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嚏根草属植物可能是世界上最令人叫绝的神奇植物了!Hellebore is a fantastic plant!

可是,我们叫绝的因素存在哪里?Where is the "wow" factor, though?

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诸如这样的功能是令人叫绝的。Functionality such as this is amazing.

更可爱的是水清得让人叫绝。Even more lovely is the water clear people.

市场第一反应令人叫绝。The market's first response was encouraging.

精彩传神的表演一定会让您拍手叫绝。The wonderful performance left a deep impression on us.

无论是动物还是古代人物都会让你拍手叫绝。Whether it is animals or ancient figures will let you clap wow.

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凤凰峡以山称秀,以水叫绝。Phoenix gorge is famous for its elegant hill, and matchlees water.

这个“化学脑袋”和那个“棺材瓤子”一样,使我不由得叫绝。The word Chemic Brain just like the word A Pulp of Cashet made me applaud.

面试最令人叫绝的比喻就是狗如何嗅出他们的同类。Interviewing is the quintessential example of dogs sniffing each other out.

如你所见,她才华横溢,神奇的双手能描绘出令人叫绝的图画!As you will see she is very talented and her hand can draw incredible things.

设计师的独创性在这个空间中体现得令人叫绝。Of stylist Promethean reflect so that make a person cry in this space absolutely.

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因而为了给你带来一些空中摄影的灵感,以下便是20幅令人叫绝的作品范例。So to give you some aerial photography inspiration, here are 20 stunning examples.

在摄影中运用反射可以产生一些令人叫绝的效果,创造绝美的图像。Using reflections in photography can lead to some amazing effects and beautiful images.

他肯定会急于了解在他所不知的这41年间又诞生了哪些令人叫绝的技术成果。She'd want to know what other technological marvels had been invented in the past 41 years.

中外美食更是令人大开眼界,拍手叫绝。The delicious food of all over the world there also lets tourists get their eyes wide open.

但“怕案叫绝”可以干湿两用,你可以用它来清扫房屋,打扫船只,洗刷小车,擦房车。But the Sham Wow works wet or dry. You can use it on your house, your boat, your car, and your RV.

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如今,“玩沙”是一项很棒的艺术,才华横溢的艺术家能做出令人叫绝的沙雕。Today, “playing in the sand” is a great art and very gifted people are making incredible sculptures !

创意之新颖,令人叫绝,尤其背景上的那条黄色波浪板,实乃点睛之笔。Yellow waved plate being the crowning touch of the wall, originality of the design is beating the Dutch.

不过,他们用小小的一辆脚踏车捆扎和搬运货物的高效太让人叫绝了!They are, however, amazingly efficient in the way they pack and move all their inventory on a tiny little bike.