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奶油加热便溶解。Butter liquefies in heat.

糖溶解在热茶里。Sugar melts in the hot tea.

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加入已溶解的朱古力。Add in the melted chocolate.

砂糖溶解于水。Dissolve the sugar in water.

溶解一些糖在里面。With some sugar dissolved in it.

溶解鱼胶粉于水中。Dissolve the gelatine with water.

他把药粉溶解于水中。He dissolved the powder in water.

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金属会产生溶解。Dissolution of the metal may occur.

这些药片在水里是可溶解的。These tablets are soluble in water.

加入250毫升热水,搅拌均匀之溶解。Add 250cc 90℃ hot water . Stir well.

糖很快在水中溶解了。The sugar dissolved quickly in water.

化学木浆,溶解级。Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades.

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金在盐酸中不溶解。Gold won't dissolve in hydrochloric acid.

糖和盐都能在水中溶解。Both sugar and salt can dissolve in water.

它可以溶解于酸性溶液,但不溶解于碱性溶液。It is soluble in acids but not in alkalis.

微笑能够溶解冷漠,传递温暖。Smile can dissolve apathy and pass warmth.

萃取液蒸干,以流动相溶解。The residue was dissolved in mobile phases.

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海水中含有许多溶解的盐类。The sea-water holds many salts in solution.

用热水把鱼胶粉溶解。Dissolve the gelatine powder with hot water.

溶解的矿物质也被风吹走了。Dissolved minerals are also lost by windage.