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戏里的女子都是千娇百媚、万种风情。Women are drama , 10,000 kinds of customs.

她对丈夫总是千娇百媚。She is bewitchingly charming to her husband.

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相亲越南游,赢得千娇百媚归!Blind date tour in Vietnam, winning Enchanting go!

话音一转,竟又千娇百媚起来。Once the words sound turn and unexpectedly and quite fascinating get up.

羞赧地在你的目光中千娇百媚地重生了自己。Blushed bashfully in yours vision acme of beauty and deportment rebirth own.

是珠宝中唯一有生命的千年灵物,光泽艳丽、温润可人、晶莹剔透、千娇百媚。Is the only living Jewellery millennium Fetish, shiny bright, gentle, pleasant, crystal clear, Enchanting.

当然,风情万种,千娇百媚,美貌固然重要,但欠缺底蕴,经不起时间的磨砺!Beauty is of course important to a lady. Every woman wishes to be charming and coquettish, but beauty lacking foundation can not bear time.

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我希望,有一天,再也没有冷漠的客服,而我打电话给论坛上千娇百媚的客服的时候,听到的,也不会再是男人的声音。I hope that someday, no indifference, and I call customer service on the BBS, coquettish features make, also won't hear the voice of a man is.

千娇百媚茶香枕将中国茶养生与传统吉祥文化巧妙结合,融入时尚元素,彰显其独到的原创魅力。Will China tea pillow coquettish features make health and traditional auspicious culture and clever union, and reveal the fashionable element in the original creative charm.

您在这里,可以尽赏荷花的千姿百态、千娇百媚,也可以尽情地体会荷花“山污泥而不染”的风韵。Here you can enjoy the different varieties of beautiful and charming lotus. In China, people often used a poem "Live in the silt but not imbrued" to praise the quality of the flowers.