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矫正驼背。Correction of kyphosis.

我需要作矫正术吗?Do I need to wear orthotics?

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两者皆可以用牙套矫正。Both can be treated with braces.

螺旋桨的螺距需要矫正。Check of propeller pitch is needed.

眼镜可以矫正视力缺陷。Spectacles correct faulty eyesight.

矫正视力是什么意思?What meaning is correctional eyesight?

驾驶时须戴矫正视力的眼镜。To wear corrective lenses when driving.

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什么是科学的矫正视力?What is scientific correctional eyesight?

需要矫正视力的人。People requiring aids to correct eye right.

设置一个矩阵用于像素矫正渲染。Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering.

戴眼镜可以矫正你的视力。You can remedy bed eye-sight by wearing glasses.

青少年得了假性近视怎样矫正?Did adolescent get pseudomyopia how correctional?

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厚唇可通过厚唇变薄来矫正。Thin to thick lips and thick lips can be corrected.

而且这种眼镜也无法矫正严重的散光。And these lenses do not correct serious astigmatism.

我想尽我所能矫正这种不公正。I wanted to do what I could to rectify the inequity.

第二部分,社区矫正的价值理念。Part two is the value ideas of community correction.

在沈阳牙齿矫正要多少钱啊?。In Shenyang tooth correctional how many money to want?

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大部分神经监测变化发生在畸形矫正前。Majority of NMCs occurred before deformity correction.

贝莉,现在矫正过错还不太迟。Belle, it is not now too late for wrongs to be righted.

有四个常见方法的行为矫正。There are four common methods of behavior modification.