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他摆出他那副绅士派头。He donned his gentlemanly attitude.

他有一种典型的记者派头。He has the typical reportorial manner.

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我们对面果然坐着一个系列杀手,他摆出西部牛仔的派头,嘴里叼着一根没有点火的万宝路香烟。And it has the serial killer sitting opposite us.

你看不出他就是想扮出一副贵族派头吗?Can't you see he just wants to play the aristocrat?

“哦,我想是这样吧,”利萨说,“虽然她总是摆出一副优雅的派头。“Oh, I think so, ” Lisa said, “though she puts up a good show.

主任派头的天蝎会是寡言少语巨蟹的好伴侣。Masterful Scorpio should make a good mate for quiet spoken Cancer.

小公主裙还带有一个锥气势派头匹配的饰品。The Little Princess Dress also comes with a matching cone style hat.

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军旗旁那位有须眉气势派头的古罗马女经理具有须眉风采。The manly Roman woman manager by the screherewising had manwismanner.

“这东西已经有点洋派头了!”蓟和牛蒡说。"That plant is a foreigner, no doubt, " said the thistles and the burdocks.

这款1970年代的概念车不仅有着詹姆士·邦德般的酷派头,而且还极尽华美之能事。This 1970’s concept was not only James Bond cool, but also bloody gorgeous, too!

她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is a famous professor, but I can’t find any scholarly pretence in him.

我要你放明白一点,你那种老爷派头对我来说已经用不上了。I want you to know that lordly airs have come to an end so far as I am concerned.

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拉拉心里对CEO的派头很满意,觉得自己也跟着体面起来。Lala was satisfied with the expression of CEO which made herself feels decent too.

但身材高大且有学者派头的瓦尼并没有把她的发言要点用法律术语或者委婉说法掩盖起来。But Varney, tall and professorial, did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism.

从外表看,亚当斯与文雅的、衣着略显凌乱、学者派头的休姆形成了鲜明对比。Physically, Adams was a striking contrast to the gentle, slightly rumpled, professorial Hume.

她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is well-know prof, but i have never seen any affectations of scholar on his father.

杰姆身上除了最近出现的怪脾气外,还添上了一副叫人受不了的自作聪明的派头。In addition to Jem's newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom.

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它是在一个纸箱包装的颜色唤起相同的关键注意到能源,风格,与派头。It is packaged in a carton of colors evoking those same key notes of energy, style, and panache.

她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is a renowned professor.However, I never find that he puts on airs as an intellectual.

他们不象法国人那样喜欢漫无边际的幻想,也不象英国人那样讲派头、要面子。They do not like the French people did like idle fantasy, as the British did not say posture to face.