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褥疮也是截瘫常见的并发症之一。The bedsore is also one of paraplegia common complications.

图6-8为同一患者,男,26岁,潜水后四肢截瘫1周入院。Fig6-8, the same case, M, 26, quadriplegia 1 week after dive.

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截瘫患者行双下肢弹性绷带缠裹。T he lower limbers of paraplegia patients were twined by flexible bandage.

研究分为正常运动力组和截瘫组,各9例患者。Nine patients with normal motor power and 9 patients with paraplegia were studied.

截瘫是由脊髓损伤所造成的双下肢严重残疾,近年来的发病率呈显著上升趋势。Paraplegia is a severe disability of lower limbs resulting from spinal cord injury.

霍尔斯特德伤到了他的脊髓,事故的后果是他成了截瘫。Halsted damaged his spinal cord and became a paraplegic as a result of the accident.

目的了解外伤性截瘫患者对泌尿系护理的认知水平。Objective To understand the recognition of traumatic paraplegia patients about urinary system nursing.

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目前有针对一系列应用的研究——从生成新器官到治疗截瘫。There is currently research into a host of applications – from growing new organs to curing paraplegia.

结论步行矫形器能帮助T10以下完全性截瘫患者完成功能性步行。Conclusion Walkabout can help patient with complete paraplegia below T10 to complete functional walking.

进一步对以上患者行MJD基因的筛查研究,明确是否存在MJD的痉挛性截瘫亚型。To screen the MJD gene changes for the patients above and ascertain the spastic paraplegia subtype of MJD.

另一位病人B先生两年前因为T2脊髓损伤造成了不完全截瘫。Another patient, Mr. B, suffers from an incomplete paraplegia caused by a spinal cord injury at T2 two years ago.

病人可以出现精神异常,呼吸过缓,痉挛性轻截瘫,甚至“锁定”状态。Patients can present with an altered mental state, bradypnea, spastic paraparesis and even a "locked in" syndrome.

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主要手术并发症为吻合口出血、供心保护不良、麻醉意外和截瘫。The main complications included anastomotic bleeding, poor myocardial protection, anesthetic accident and paraplegia.

疼痛性感觉是脊髓损伤后截瘫和四肢瘫患者所面临的一个经常性的和令人烦恼的后遗症。Painful sensations are a frequent and troublesome sequelae of paraplegia and quadriplegia following spinal cord injury.

Harkema教授说,有可能是一天,罗布萨默斯和其他像他那样的截瘫患者将能够重新行走。Professor Harkema says there could be a day when Rob Summers and other paraplegics like him will be able to walk again.

目的探讨协同护理对外伤性截瘫患者膀胱功能恢复的影响。Objective To study the effects of Collaborative Nursing on repairing the traumatic paraplegia patients' cystic function.

唐那休教授希望这种名叫“脑之门”的植入装置能够让截瘫患者的四肢获得新生。Professor Donoghue hopes the implant, called BrainGate, will allow paraplegics to regain the use of their arms and legs.

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脊髓损伤往往造成不同程度的四肢瘫或截瘫,是一种严重致残性的创伤。Spinal cord injury may cause tetraplegia or paraplegia, which is a great damage to the abilities of people' daily living.

结果19例患者中,16例应用往复式截瘫步行器可作功能性家庭内步行,3例可作治疗性步行。Results Functional gait was achieved in 16 of the 19 patients with RGO, and therapeutic ambulation in the rest 3 patients.

有时候,这种受困形式可以包括在监狱里服刑,或者有时候以截瘫患者而受困在轮椅里的生活。Sometimes such forms of imprisonment can include a sentence in prison, or sometimes a life in a wheel chair as a paraplegic.