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这是1945年在奥斯维辛营房的女人。Women in the barracks at Auschwitz in January 1945.

排长们在营房广场整理队伍。The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.

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这个营的士兵列队从营房齐步走向检阅场。The battalion marched from the barracks to the parade ground.

入夜后士兵禁绝离开营房。The soldiers were prohellobited from leaving camp after dark.

大批的苏联战俘压垮本来已经很拥挤的营房.The flood of Soviet POWs overwhelmed the already crowded camp.

“戴娜!”她的父母从他们居住的营房中大声叫她。" Dana ! " her parents shouted from inside their living quarters.

他通告说军队和警察已经被禁闭在营房中不得外出。He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks.

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阪谷一家七口被分到一座营房的某个单间内。The Sakatani family, seven in all, was assigned a single room in a barracks.

冬日无比漫长,营房里的条件差到了极点。The winter was extremely long. The conditions in the barracks were appalling.

当地的承包商在这建起特别的营房,向他们收取高昂的租金。Local enterpreneurs have built special barracks for them and gather high rental.

河北丰宁营房铅锌银矿床产于一近南北向的中型韧性剪切带中。Many Pb-Zn-Ag deposits are found in the middle north margin of North China Block.

他们让数万人民解放军的战士们在营房里挨饿。They are making our thousands of warriors of the PLA go hungry in the cantonment.

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出入营房的车道与综合区有正式入口相连。The barracks' access drive and turnaround create a formal entrance into the complex.

就在这时,一辆里面载着四名军官的大型轿车在营房大门停了下来。At that moment, a large black car with four officer inside it, stopped at the camp gates.

一到营房放下包就开始哭泣,那种感觉至今挥之不去。When I arrived at the camp I put my bag down and just cried. That feeling still won't go.

一回到营房,他便对我推推搡搡,还拍了一下我的后脑勺。Once back at the barracks he started pushing me and even slapped me in the back of the head.

把我们中的大多数传送到古罗马去,基本只能住救济院或奴隶营房呢。Transport most of us to ancient Rome and we’ll find ourselves in a poorhouse or slave barracks.

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有关部门除了将这些建筑恢复原貌外,还将在1号营房和日军看守房内进行陈列展览。Except these buildings, an exhibition will be launched in No. 1 Barrack and Japanese watch room.

战时营房保障资源动员是战时国民经济动员的重要组成部分。Wartime barracks support resourses is an important part of wartime national economy mobilization.

士兵们在营房里换制服,但是普康迪觉得很委屈。The paratroopers are changing into their gear in the barrack, but Perconte is feeling very chagrin.