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拥抱那些无畏的武将!Embrace the fearless warriors!

缺乏是武将阻碍儿童的成长。Lack of food will stunt children's growth.

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赵匡胤虽是一员武将,却很喜爱读书,常手不释卷。Although he was a military general, he was fond of reading.

他是一位名演员,扮演武将尤其出色。He is a well known actor, especially good in martial roles.

张颐武将人们的怀旧情结与上世纪90年代中国经济社会的转型联系起来。Zhang Yiwu links it to people's nostalgia and China's transforming economy and society in the 1990s.

北京大学中文系教授张颐武将青春和青春期区分开来。Zhang Yiwu, professor of Chinese literature at Peking University, distinguishes youth from adolescence.

武将方面也只有五虎上将,顶多再加一个魏延和李严。The military commander aspect also only then five tiger generals, at most again add Wei Yan and Li are strict.

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孙武将宫女分为两队,叫吴王的两个宠姬担任队长。Sun Wu organized the young ladies into two teams and appointed two of the king's favorite concubines team leaders.

武将列传经验丰厚,还能配合“尾刀”出多倍奖励。Experience of fierce general biographies is rich and generous, still can cooperate " end knife " piece multiple award.

每一个武将牌都由各自的技能,选择武将时必须要符合自己的身份,才能赢取游戏。Every general has its skill, so in order to win the game, when choose general, you must make sure its confirm your identity.

想要武将的在执行任务中减少时间或者不使用时间,它们是您很好的选择。You want to generals in the performance of their duties to reduce the time or do not use the time, they are your good choice.

周武将阮若水的小房子给收拾收拾,知道还有大赖子晚上居然敲她的门,很为她担心。Tempo RuanRe water little house to tidy up, know that there are big yoriko had knocked at her door at night, very worry about her.

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四川省宗祠旅游资源类型丰富,拥有以文庙、三国蜀汉文臣武将专祠、文化名人专祠、祭祀同族祖先的祠堂等为代表的资源体系。There were plenty of ancestral halls in Sichuan Province, which of them form a system of the tourism resources of ancestral halls.

在这款游戏里,每位武将的属性,包括兵种、技能、资料背景都是根据历史史实设定的。In the game, each of the attributes of generals, including arms, skills, background information are set according to historical facts.

在具体兵力分布上,由于吴氏武将集团的影响,兴州驻军的数量与实力最为强大,呈现出严重的失衡状态。For the influence of the Wuxi generals group, the amounts and force of Xingzhou army was the most powerful, and had a serious imbalance situation.

本文主要从北宋几个时期武将在朝廷地位变化及其群体精神面貌改变入手,分析武将社会地位的转变。The article is to analyze the changing social status of the military governors in this period based on their status in government, and their spirit.

当公务员,比如行政官员或武将触犯法律时,可能会被流放到荒凉之地,比如长城以外。Where a public servant, such as a magistrate or a general, offended the state, he might be banished to the barren territories beyond the Great Wall.

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一天,有位武将在战场上中了敌人的飞箭,箭头穿进了皮肉。他命人请来了这位“外科”医生。One day, a general was struck by an arrow from the enemy on the battlefield. The arrow had penetrated into his flesh, so he called for the "surgeon".

游戏在三尺之局中融入了兵种、武将、天文和地理等数十种属性,不同的属性相克相生。In game three feet into the Bureau of the arms, generals, astronomy and geography, and so on dozens of properties, different properties with Aioi grams.

宋代武将的培养选拔体制与以科举为主的文臣体制不同,是建立在沿袭传统制度的基础之上的。The training and selecting system of the Song Dynasty′s military officers is different from the traditional civil system based on the imperial examinations.