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但,别信那些鬼话。But don’t believe it.

他说的是骗人的鬼话。What he said is deceitful words.

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我不相信那些鬼话!I do not believe in such nonsense!

他的一划鬼话,只有你还相信。Only you believe his total nonsense.

你在说些什么鬼话?What on earth are you talking about?

我要揭露这一切骗人的鬼话。I am going to expose all this humbug.

我不相信你的鬼话!我要你现在说!I don't buy your story! I want it now!

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说什么鬼话,伙计,你该放松点。What the heck, buddy, you gotta relax.

你以为我还会相信这样的鬼话吗?Do you think I will believe such a story agian?

我得对她写些什么鬼话呢,对那个好老太婆?What the devil am I to write to that good old soul?

宗教这玩意儿全是骗人的鬼话,汤姆。This yer religion is all a mess of lying trumpery, Tom.

别相信他的鬼话。他不过是个吹牛大王罢了!Don't believe his nonsense. He's nothing but a blowhard!

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我才不会傻到相信那种老妈子的鬼话。I'm too smart to believe in that kind of old wives' tale.

你似乎完全愿意接受这种鬼话,约德尔。You seem perfectly willing to accept this nonsense, Jodl.

我欲争辨却又哑口无言,因为我相信鬼话。I want to argue but be rendered speechless, because I believe.

最好把那些鬼话从你22岁的脑瓜里清除掉。Might as well get that out of your 22 year old head right now.

他们会说一根烟不会对你有害的鬼话.They start this nonsense that one cigarette will not harm you.

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我们装着最正经的面孔,彼此说些最荒诞不径的鬼话。We tell each other the most absurd stories with the most serious faces.

他甚至都好像已经忘记了那套纯血统最高的鬼话。He even seems to have got over most of his Pureblood Supremacy bullshit.

全都是些部长们常说的骗人鬼话和少不了的奉承恭维。There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers.