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船朝南行驶。The ship steered south.

拐弯卡车靠右行驶。Turn Trucks Keep Right.

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当时您在哪个车道行驶?Which lane were you in?

船在水面上行驶。Boats sail on the water.

他驾车沿公路向前行驶。He drives down a highway.

卡车向北行驶。The truck is going north.

这辆旧汽车东倒西歪地行驶。The old car walloped down.

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这些帆船在行驶.The sailboats are sailing.

我们船以每小时6海里的速度行驶。Our ship steams at 6 knots.

这条旧船嘎嘎地往前行驶。The old ship chugged along.

他们沿河行驶。They boated down the river.

他们驾车沿海滨行驶。They drove along the beach.

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沿高速公路向南行驶。Cracked up on the expressway.

他们因超速行驶而受到罚款。They were fined for speeding.

他沿公路高速行驶。He barreled along the highway.

在中国,车辆靠右边行驶。In China, traffic keeps right.

这条船行驶在英国的海疆里。The ship is in British waters.

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在英国我们靠左行驶。In England we drive on the left.

你行驶在慢车道吗?Are you driving in the slow lane?

他沿高速公路高速行驶。He barreled along the expressway.