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放松,玩,它会开启创意源流。Relax, play, it will start to flow.

韩国与中国的文化源流有颇多相似之处。The Korean and Chinese cultures are similar.

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一部源流并重、突出实用的中型成语词典。This is a very practical medium-sized idiom dictionary.

中国古琴文化传统浓厚,源流悠长。Chinese guqin culture has a long tradition and standing.

阿克苏河是塔里木河来水量最大的源流。Akesu River is the maximum runoff source flows of Tarim River.

它们与古傩都有着深远的源流关系。Both of them have deep relations with the "Nuo"dance in ancient times.

第一章重在探讨“媒妁”的源流辨析问题。Chapter 1 involves examining the origin and development of Matchmaker.

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汉赋的理论批评已经发轫,开始探寻赋的源流、作用、特点和学赋方法。In Han-dynasty , people began to format the theory and criticism of Fu.

日本歌论的源流可以追溯到中国古代的诗论。The origin of Japanese Waka can be traced to the poem of ancient China.

介绍陆氏伤科的学术源流。This paper introduces the academic characteristics of Lu s traumatology.

很少人在小河饮水时,会停一停,想想河的源流在哪里。Few men, drinking at a rivulet , stopped to consider its source. --- Topper.

第三章上杭丘姓的历史源流及其发展过程。Chapter 3 focuses on the history of the Qiu Family and its development over time.

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你曾否到过海的源流,走过深渊的底处?Hast thou entered into the depths of the sea, and walked in the lowest parts of the deep?

基础主义是西方知识论中的主流理论,有其渊远的源流与不同的表现形式。Foundationalism, a mainstream in western philosophy, is long in history and various in forms.

源流之一是来自乌干达维多利亚湖的白尼罗河,流经苏丹与埃及。One source, The White Nile starts from Lake Victoria, Uganda and flows through Sudan and Egypt.

“辞”与“赋”究竟是一种文体还是两种文体,它们的源流究竟如何?"Ci" and "fu" is one type of literature or two types of literature?How about their headstreams?

在大多数诉讼中,多数人只是利用彼此作为他们与源流断开的借口。In most lawsuits, most people just use each other as their excuse to disconnect from the Stream.

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第三至五卷考辨唐以来29个燕乐曲调源流。From the third to the fifth volume, the author tests and distinguishes the origin of 29 melodies.

这是源流古者在佛道教兴起前就有的民俗活动。This is the ancient origins of the rise of Buddhism and Taoism in the pre-existing folk activities.

对中国扇文化作了初探,就扇子的源流及形制、扇与书画、与诗赋、与歌舞戏剧及其它等五个方面作阐述。It studies on origins and fan shapes, fans and calligraphy, and poetry, with the other five aspects.