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正当利用时间!不要舍近求远。——歌德。Proper use of our time! Don't further.

正当利用时间!你要理解什么,不要舍近求远。——歌德。Proper use of our time! What do you want to understand, not to further.

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正当地利用你的时间!你要理解什么,不要舍近求远。——歌德。Proper use of your time! What do you want to understand, not to further.

但是,有很多人却舍近求远,不惜费时去寻找幸福。其实,幸福就在脚下,俯拾即得。We do not bend to enjoy the happiness which is ours for the taking just of our feet.

附近商店有各种装修材料,我们不必舍近求远。The local shops have all sorts of decorating materials – there's no need for us to go far afield.

出门前他说是要去爬山的,回来又耽搁一下,决定不做舍近求远的事情了,就去小区里散步。Before going out, he is said to go mountain climbing, come back and wait, decided not to go out, go for a walk in the community.

中国画的“生长”反而舍近求远,从与中国文化截然不同的西方艺术理论中寻找出路是死路。Chinese Painting of the "development" but far away, and the Chinese culture very different from Western art theory, find a way out is a dead end.

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这种舍近求远的选择看起来有些奇怪,不过,如果“石头”或尹朝阳的个人气质放进来考虑,就变得容易解释。It seems strange to select the remote myth rather than the local one, and yet it will be more easily explained if the 'stone' or Yin's own temperament.

如果您在搜索了最近的相关新闻文章后仍然是一个怀疑论者的话,不用舍近求远,只要看看对于什么可能造成地球第六次大灭绝的描述就行了。If you’re still a doubter after combing recent related news articles, look no further than this description of what may be the sixth mass extinction on Earth.

生活宛如一条蜿蜒曲折的小径,周围鲜花绽放,彩蝶飞舞,美果压枝。但是,我们很多人却舍近求远,不惜费时去寻找幸福。Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies, and delicious fruit, but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.

然而,我们也无须舍近求远。我们必须藉助国际扶轮及扶轮基金会结合其他达成善果的力量。However, we do not have to go outside our own building in order to cooperate. Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation must join forces to reach good results.

生活中令人惊奇的是,我们发现一直想要的东西就在我们身边,而我们却总是舍近求远去寻找。The surprise of life is always in finding how we have missed the things that have lain nearest to us how we have gone faraway to seek that which was close by our side all the time.

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教育是人的根本,若把这根本问题忽略了,那就叫舍本逐末,舍近求远。Education is the foundation for everyone, if we neglect this basic issue, we will be "renouncing the essential while pursuing the trivia, ignoring what is near and seeking what is far away."

他选择了非法的位置,他掂量因此而被捕和惩罚的风险不足以超过驾车舍近求远并还要沿路返回所造成的额外精力。He opted for the illegal spot, judging that the risk of being caught and punished did not outweigh the extra effort of having to drive the car to the further spot and walk all the way back again.

所以,英明的君主宁愿舍近求远,这样就能保全功业,尊崇“贤人”,下级也就会乐于尽心竭力了。Thus the wise ruler would rather take the long process than the short process, so that he is able to complete his achievements, respect the Capable and have his subordinates give their best for him.