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你觉得面授辅导课有帮助吗?Do you find the tutorial helpful?

此乃兼读制面授课程。This is a part-time face-to-face programme.

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第四,适当的面授教学是现代远程教育的有益补充。Fourthly, the adequate face-to-face teaching is useful to supplement modern distance education.

唯品会早期的信息安全培训也是采用传统的形式,以现场面授培训为主。Information security training early vip. com also used the traditional form to face-to-face training.

面授辅导课可以解决学生在自学过程中遇到的学习困难。The tutorial can solve the learning difficulties encountered in the process of students in self-study.

在教学机器取带执教者面授之前,就有必要学会如何配合老师。In the teaching machine to check with coach before the face-to-face, it is necessary to learn how to cope with the teacher.

在各地孔子商学院办班,召收本地商界学员,面授CNB中国商务课程。Confucian Business Schools will set classes in all places, and will recruit students locally on CNB Chinese Business course.

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开设函授课程的学院大都要求函授生每年到学院本部集中面授一两次。Most colleges offering a correspondence course demand the corresponding students be gathered on campus once or twice a year.

网络远程教育是主要通过多媒体网络、以学习者为中心的非面授教育方式。Net distance education is a kind of learner-centered non-face-to-face education conducted mainly through multi-media network.

由于成年人理解能力强等特点,钢琴面授周期相对可长些,以增加自学练琴的时间。As adults have the ability to comprehend, number of lessons can be lesser so that the number of hours of practice can be longer.

在校外接受远程教育的学生享受与校内学生一样的待遇,他们所接受的远程教育具有和校内面授教育同等的质量。The students enrolling distance education could obtain the same courses and equal quality as the full-time students studying within campus.

正确处理好开放教育中的面授辅导、学生自学、学习支持服务三者的关系至关重要。Its rather important to deal with the relationship among personal tutorship, students self-study and study-support service in open education.

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现代远程开放教育是教育形式多元化发展的产物,教学质量保证和提高是其生存和发展的根本,其中面授辅导教师起着重要作用。Its foundation of survival and development is the guarantee and improvement for the teaching quality and thus the tutors play important roles.

所以俟余著作出版后,要开训练班,口传面授,几句话就解决了!Therefore, following the publication of books more than once, to open training courses, oral face- to -face , to say a few words on a solution!

传统的以集中面授和教师讲授为主体的培训模式已无法满足多样化、动态化和专业化的需求。The traditional training model of centralism imparts and teachers imparts can't any longer meet the needs of variety, dynamic and specialization.

体育函授教育在自学、面授两大环节上存在着突出的问题,严重影响了教学质量。There are problems of the independent study and in-class illustration in the adult correspondence education of sport, which affect the teaching effects.

远程教育与传统面授教育不同,具有明显的产业化运作特征,隶属于服务业。Differing from the traditional face-to-face education, distance education has distinct features of industrialization and is pertinent to service industry.

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当前,切实可行的大学英语网络教学模式应该将网络自主学习与课堂面授相结合,最大程度地扬长避短,以取得大学英语教学的最佳效果。Thus, online English teaching can develop its merits and overcome its defects to the most extent, thereby achieving the best effect for college English teaching.

网上教育突破了传统面授教学的局限性,满足了传统校园很难实现的学习需求。The on-line education breaks the tradition to face to teach the teaching to limit sex, satisfying the traditional study need that the campus can hardly carry out.

这样才能激发教师的工作积极性,提高面授辅导课的教学实效。Differences between face to face tutorial in distance education and traditional teaching include time, methods, functional location and teaching order arrangement.