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正如大卫称那在行为以外,蒙神算为义的人是有福的。Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works

所以,当我们这样为基督受苦,我们的苦难就被神算为基督的苦难。Therefore, when we suffer for Christ in this way, our sufferings are counted by God as the sufferings of Christ.

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有关组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已成为英格兰申办2018年世界杯的官方形象大使。Paul the Octopus is returning to his native England to boost his country's ailing bid to stage the 2018 World Cup.

一名年轻女性把自己扮成了一只章鱼,以向章鱼保罗致敬,因为这只生活在德国的大名鼎鼎的“神算”章鱼此前做出了西班牙将夺冠的预测。One young woman was disguised as an octopus, in tribute to Paul, the now famous clairvoyant cephalopod in Germany who predicted Spain's victory.

因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已成为英格兰申办2018年世界杯的官方形象大使。Paul the octopus, the oracle of the World Cup in South Africa, has become an official ambassador for England's bid to host the tournament in 2018.

德国的神算章鱼“保罗”对本届世界杯的赛果预测至今未出差错,看来谁要想向它发起挑战还需要点勇气。It takes a brave creature to disagree with Paul, Germany's soothsaying octopus, who has an impeccable track record on World Cup predictions to date.

一座两公尺高的章鱼哥保罗雕像被立起,以纪念这只去年准确预测世足赛结果而风靡足球迷的神算章鱼。A two-meter-tall statue has been erected for Paul the Octopus, the oracle who fascinated soccer fans by correctly predicting results at last year's World Cup.

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章鱼保罗近日在奥伯豪森水族馆的家中去世,享年两岁。这只神算章鱼因在今夏世界杯期间准确预测德国足球队全部赛果而一举成名。in the World Cup this summer for his uncanny ability to predict the results of Germany's soccer matches, has died at his home in Oberhausen at the age of two.

对眼负鼠海蒂近日预测,娜塔莉•波特曼将摘走本届奥斯卡影后的桂冠。海蒂被认为是神算章鱼保罗的继任者。opossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar.

有关组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界杯而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已成为英格兰申办2018年世界杯的官方形象大使。Paul the octopus, the oracleof the World Cupin South Africa, has become an official ambassador for England's bid to host the tournament in 2018, organizers said Friday.

有关组织者于上周五称,因预测南非世界盃而一举成名的神算章鱼保罗已成为英格兰申办2018年世界盃的官方形象大使。Paul the octopus, the oracle of the World Cup in South Africa, has become an official ambassador for England's bid to host the tournament in 2018, organizers said Friday.

德国章鱼“保罗”日前又做出预测,德国队将在世界杯半决赛中被西班牙队击败,想必德国的球迷一定希望这只“神算”章鱼这次最好能失算。Soccer fans across Germany will be hoping a "psychic" cephalopod's fabled skills of prophecy have Paul the octopus predicted a German loss in their World Cup semi-final with Spain.

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影片情节颇为曲折,最后观众可以发现,神算章鱼保罗原来是编造出来的,其受人操控为球赛操纵阴谋和国际赌博集团服务。The plot twists and turns as viewers find out that the legend of Paul, the visionary octopus, was fabricated and manipulated to aid a match-fixing scheme and international betting ring.

德国章鱼“保罗”日前又做出预测,德国队将在世界杯半决赛中被西班牙队击败,想必德国的球迷一定希望这只“神算”章鱼这次最好能失算。Soccer fans across Germany will be hoping a " psychic " cephalopod's fabled skills of prophecy have failed him after Paul the octopus predicted a German loss in their World Cup semi-final with Spain.