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波动方程式。It is a wave equation.

有所有关键的方程式。It has all the key equations.

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这就是薛定谔的方程式。This is the Schrodinger equation.

那么我们要在哪找到方程式中的这些量呢?And where do we find these things?

也就是求这个方程式的根。Looking for the root of this equation.

婚姻是一道难解的方程式。Marrage is a hard equation to work out.

在一级方程式的比赛中,你可以冲冲冲!In a Formula One car you go-go-go-go-go!

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可使用没有设定方程式的计算机。You may use a non-programmable calculator.

现在我有了三个方程式和三个未知量。So I have three equations and three unknowns.

这种图一次只有一个方程式。That's the picture of one equation at a time.

他所做的就是写这些下方程式。And what he does is writes this equation here.

我要把这称为方程式三。And I am going to call this one equation three.

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自举图存!这是转化为方程式的美国梦。It was the American dream put into an equation.

方程式的一边必须和另一边相等。One side of an equation must balance the other.

运用高斯赛德尔迭代法的约束方程式求解器。The max number of iterations to do when solving.

你没有必要把所有东西都写成方程式。You don't have to write everything in equations.

我们现在又两个,让我用方程式写出来。We have two, well, let me draw this is as a square.

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在这本400多页的书中,一个方程式也没有使用。contains not a single equation in its 400-plus pages.

建立了旱田驱动圆盘犁机组的平衡方程式。Thebalance equation of power driven disc plow is built.

方程式不知道,我用了脚注。This equation doesn't know that P I used a subscript P.