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像洪水这样的事件不仅展示了我们的恬淡寡欲,也塑造了它。Events like this flood not only show our stoicism, but create it.

住此别墅,绝对适合在喧闹北京生活中享受独有的恬淡与静谧。It's really a nice villa for you to live enjoy your life in Beijing.

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他说,练习居合道的过程中,“可以让内心在这个充满压力的世界里做到恬淡平和。”During iaido 'you calm your mind in a very stressful world, ' he says.

简骄傲地交叉起一双空空的手,展开了无比恬淡美丽的微笑。Jane joined her empty hands gracefully and blossomed a peaceful, beautiful smile.

冲淡就是淡雅、恬淡的意境和澹泊自处的生活态度。Simplicity means quiet and indifferent mood, and life attitudes of not seeking fame.

有些花开了,我只要感觉那绿色,感觉生命的恬淡从容。Some flowers, and I feel that as long as the green, tranquil and calm sense of life.

维持一个简单朴素,平易恬淡的生活是一件好事,可是如果是过分地表现刻苦就不对了。The simple, easy and nonchalant life is a good thing but taking it too far is wrong.

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庄子的养生观主要表现为顺任自然、超然世外、保持心境恬淡的精神修养,还涉及到了气功问题。The view on keeping in good health of Chuang Tzu is mainly about the self-cultivation on spirit.

其清淡诗风的基础是其感情的恬淡,而其恬淡的感情则来源于儒、道、佛三教对他思想的影响。The basis of this sort of style was his nonchalant emotion which came from the effect of Confucianism?

依然记得打开信封取出它时那种新鲜而又恬淡的心情。The fresh but light mood when I first unfolded the envelope and took out the leaf still retains in my memory.

平易恬淡的生活比较容易满足,如此逍遥游才有可能。When you are satisfied with life indifferent to the fame and wealth, the happy and free excursion is possible.

恬淡的环境让人隐隐约约睡去,梦里全是孩子们回响在大地上的欢叫声。People doze off under this tranquil circumstance. The boisterous shout of these kids still echoes in the dream.

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初升的旭日冉冉升起,映射出柔和、恬淡的朝晖,直叫人心情亢奋,精神爽朗。Rising of the sun rising, mapping out the soft, tranquil's Zhaohui, Zhi Jiaoren mood excitement, the spirit of hearty.

平易恬淡是气候、是湿度、是温度、是土壤,在适当的气温及湿度、季节与土壤中种子才会发芽,然后逐渐长大。Plainness and indifference are climate, humidity, temperature and soil in which seeds can germinate and grow in suitable conditions.

“别看了,阳光虽淡,看久了也伤眼睛。”话语间气息恬淡自若。"Do not penetrate, although the sunlight is thin, saw long to also harm eyes. "The words breathing is indifferent and self-composed.

我们看见这书的作者自身也表示那种爱美爱真的精神,和那中国文化最特色的知足常乐恬淡自适的天性。In him, too, lived the spirit of truth and beauty and the genius for resignation and contentment so characteristic of Chinese culture.

虚静,恬淡,寂寞,无为是道的具体表现,也是我们应该效法的大本大宗。The concrete presentations of Tao are vain quiet, tranquilness, loneliness and non-action, which is the essential way that we should take.

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宁静写在每个人的脸上,他们的汗水流淌着神圣,神圣让心恬淡虚无,虚无带来付出的快乐。Quite write face in everybody, their sweats flow to drip sacred, sacred make the heart indifferent unreal, unreal bring to pay of happiness.

即使在今天,也有不少人将排队视作英国“国民精神”的体现——注重实效、冷静理性、恬淡寡欲。Even today, the queue is seen bysome to represent what they think of as the British 'national character' -pragmatic, un-emotional, and stoic.

在修行的路上,凡是世俗的事务一定要做到浅尝即止,生活保持平易恬淡。On the practicing road, you are allowed to scratch the surface of worldly affairs only and keep your life indifferent to the fame and wealth.