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顺便说下,真正的语法学家已经将所有样本熟记于心。Real grammarians, by the way, have memorized the AP Stylebook.

一些语法学家认为这一结构不正确。A number of grammarians have labeled the construction incorrect.

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最先由丹麦语法学家叶斯伯森于1886年提出。The Danish grammarian Jespersen first proposed the idea in 1886.

这是中国古代语法学的一个重大发展。This is the important development of ancient Chinese grammatology.

传统语法学家不喜欢这种新方法。Traditional grammarians are not comfortable about this new approach.

现代汉语的双宾语句式是语法学界备受关注的语法现象。Double-object sentence is concern of modern Chinese language grammar.

几乎所有的语法学家都会大胆地告诉你可以分开写不定式。Nearly all grammarians want to boldly tell you it's OK to split infinitives.

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他沉迷于自我完善,整日整夜地研究欧几里德和语法学。He engaged in feverish bouts of self-improvement, studying Euclid and grammar at all hours.

英语时态,特别是过去时的探讨和研究一直是传统的语法学家的探究热点。English tenses, especially past tense, is always a hot issue of the traditional grammarians.

朱德熙先生率先将“价”的概念引入汉语语法学,开拓了汉语动词研究的新领域。Mr. Zhu Dexi first led valence into Chinese grammar in 1978 and opened up the new region of Chinese verb.

因为,按照语法学和语义学,在那里,我们跟英语间进行生命的对话是不可能存在的。Because according to Gramme or semantics, there are no possible to be a living dialogue between the two parties.

并驾驭科学方法论,揭示了中国古代语法学的规律性联系。It has successfully reined in scientific methodology and opened out the regular relation of ancient syntax in China.

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第四部分就徐通锵提出“字本位”理论与汉语语法学革新问题谈几点看法。The fourth part expresses my thoughts on the significance of the theory for the renovation in Chinese grammar study.

从句法上看,可以从生成语法学家诺姆.乔姆斯基提出的约束理论中得到解释。Syntactically, reference can be explained in the binding theory put forward by the generative grammarian Noam Chomsky.

动词短语省略句自上个世纪七十年代以来,一直都是生成语法学中研究的热点问题。VP ellipsis in Chinese came to be discussed in the latest thirty years and many researches have studied on this topic.

希腊语法学家,曾在罗得岛和罗马教学,并著有颇有影响的希腊综合语法著作语法艺术。Greek grammarian who taught at Rhodes and Rome and wrote an influential synthesis of Greek grammar, the Art of Grammar.

对功能语法学家来讲,文法只是人类所使用的诸多表达手段的其中一种。For functionalists, grammar is just one of the many devices which humans employ to communicate their ideas in a social setting.

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帕尼尼印度语法学家。他的八章书是首先叙述语言学的著作之一,是梵语的语法规则收藏。Indian grammarian. His Ashtadhyayi, one of the first works of descriptive linguistics, presents grammatical rules for Sanskrit.

系统功能语法学派内部的悉尼语法和加的夫语法这两种主要模式之间存在一些差异。There are certain differences between the Sydney Grammar and the Cardiff Grammar which belong to Systemic Functional Linguistics.

英语分裂结构作为一种特殊的句法构式,历来是各语法学派研究的热门话题。As a series of idiosyncratic constructions for focussing, clefts have been approached by many scholars from alternate perspectives.