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悍马是军用型汽车。Hummers are military-like vehicles.

俄罗斯-格鲁吉亚“军用”山路Russian-Georgian "Military" Mountain Roads

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这是一个混合民用军用机场。This is a mixed civilian-military airport.

一架军用运输机报道了此次撞击。A military transport plane reported the crash.

他带我到一个没有窗户的军用卡车里。He led me to a military truck with no windows.

他们的军用车辆都已加以伪装。Their military vehicles have been camouflaged.

便携式军用帐篷野营炉炉床营。"Portable" burner stove camping tents, army camp.

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米-6是一种重型军用运输直升机。The Mi-6 is a heavy military transport helicopter.

他们的小货车兴军用卡车相撞。Their minivan was in collision with an Army lorry.

玛丽莫塔和军用Arcega促成了这一报告。Mary Motta and Mil Arcega contributed to this report.

但是,她说,“那种军用的东西过时了。”But, she said, 'that military stuff is kind of passe'.

我军用炮向敌营连续猛轰并摧毁了它。Our army pounded at the enemy's camp and destroyed it.

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米6为重型军用运输直升机。The Mil Mi-6 is a heavy military transport helicopter.

“布尔人刚刚毁了一辆英国军用火车”。"The Boers had just wrecked a British military train".

旅游地围栅外,军用吉普车穿梭而过。Beyond the resort's perimeter fence, army jeeps scud by.

到1987年,该厂就不再生产军用浓缩铀了。The plant did not process weapon-grade uranium till 1987.

在拉好机头仰角的同时,我把油门退出军用推力开始减速。With the nose set, I come out of MIL power and slow down.

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他把一生都献给了军用航空事业。He devoted all his life to the cause of military aviation.

没有军用舆图有时候不知自身处在什么地点。Without military maps you donat know where you can remain.

品奇各特现在是大炮和旧时军用装备博物馆。Pinchgut is now a museum for cannon and antique mat è riel.