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最高时速500公里每小时!Top speed is 500km per hour!

你试过开到时速六十英里以上吗?Have you tried to go over sixty?

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这架飞机时速为500英里。The plane logs 500 miles an hour.

他在高速路上时速七十五英里。He does seventy-five on the free way.

这款超级保时捷时速能达到205迈。This super-Porsche could hit 205 mph.

里程表显示现在的时速为140英里。The odometer shows now 140 miles per hour.

那部车正以时速60英里的速度行驶。The car was traveling at 60 miles per hour.

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那辆旧车以30公里左右的时速行驶。The old car bucketed along at about thirty.

你在高速公路上以120公里时速蛇行。You practices-curves on the freeway at 120.

该赛车的时速为一百六十英里。The racing car was clocked at 160 miles p. h.

中国的高铁时速迅速串升到每小时394公里的水平。The CRH can zoom at speeds of 394 km per hour.

这样有助于他们的马匹跑得距离更长,时速更快。That helped their ponies run longer and faster.

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一只海鸥达到了时速二百一十四英里!A seagull at two hundred fourteen miles per hour!

然后她垂死挣扎,在时速80迈的撞车之后。Then dying, after that crash at 80 miles an hour.

他们也能掷出时速90英里的橄榄球吗?And they could also hit 90-mile-an-hour fastballs?

最高印刷时速可超过3800次。The maximum printing speed can be over 3800 times.

我建议以55英里的时速就好,就像比纽约州际铁路。I recommend 55mph, like on the New York Interstate.

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有一些快艇可以以每小时80英里的时速呼啸而过。Some speedboats can zip around at 80 miles an hour.

这些碎屑流通常时速可达50英里。The debris flow is usually up to 50 miles per hour.

卡车在慢车道上以20英里的时速行驶。The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane.