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民国二年复称安泽。Anze In two years, said Fu.

民国时期,大多数人不主张雅,还有人明确反对片面追求雅。In the Republican period most people also didn't think so.

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方显廷是民国时期著名的中国经济学家之一。Fang Xian-ting is one of the most famous economists in ROC.

“今天的人太无趣了”他说,“他们都一样,没有个性,不像晚晴或民国时候的人。”"People today are boring," he said. "They are all the same.

民国26年二哥曾经寄回一封信,说要投奔延安。In 26 years, brother have send back a letter, said to Yanan.

湟源排灯鼎盛时期是在民国初年。Huangyuan light emission peak in the early years of the Republic.

一九一二年即民国元年废府,仍设道。In the first year of waste in 1912 that House, is still based Road.

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封面设计是民国书籍装帧最突出的成就。It is the most outstanding effort in the title page design of BDRC.

它源于清代中叶,大兴于民国初年。It originated from the mid-Qing Dynasty, Tai Hing in the early Republic.

民国时期,杭州城市文化日趋鲜明。The in-city culture of Hangzhou became more tangible and overt afterwards.

万盛米行是一间老字号米铺,始建于民国初年。Wan Sheng Rice Firm is an old and famous rice shop, founded in early 1911.

袁林是我国民国初年的一座官式建筑群。Yuanlin is a building cluster of the early year in Republic in our country.

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民国六年返国,任北京大学教授。He returned to China in 1917 and taught as a professor in Peking University.

民国初废府置道,武安属河南省河北道。House home in the early abolition Road, Wu is in Henan Province, Hebei Road.

北京达园是民国初年军阀王怀庆所筑的私家花园。Dayuan in Beijing was a private garden created by a warlord during 1919-1922.

从清末至民国时期,密云“满城”逐渐走向了消亡。From the end of Qing dynasty to Minguo, Miyun Manchu City was gradually ruined.

这是造成民国时期社会动荡、政局不稳的重要原因。It is an important reason of social unrest and political instability in this stage.

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民国时期,按揭购房在上海已经屡见不鲜。During the Minguo Era, buying a house through a mortgage became popular in Shanghai.

重庆的私立中学在清末就已经出现并在民国成立后也有所发展。The private middle schools of Chongqing has been existed in the end of Qing dynasty.

民国领袖蒋介石的名声便是其中一个受害者。One casualty of this has been the reputation of the Republic’s leader, Chiang Kai-shek.