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我得这样折磨自己到猴年马月?How long must I continue to torture myself?

等他找到女朋友?估计得猴年马月了!When he finds a girlfriend? Good luck waiting!

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我和简分手已经是猴年马月的事情了。It's donkey's years since I broke up with Jane.

我想结婚买房子,可是我不知道猴年马月可以实现,尽管我一直在奔波。I just don't know when I'll be able to do that, even if I'm still in a job.

更重要的是,银湖投资阿里巴巴意味着该集团整体上市可能是猴年马月的事了。More importantly, it seems to signal that an Alibaba Group IPO is a long ways off.

老板曾经很严肃地告诉我,到了猴年马月我才能涨工资。My boss once seriously told me that my salary would not go up until the 'Horse month of the Monkey year'.

而那些积极的想法,以及那些改变一生的顿悟,却少之又少,不知等到猴年马月。And our positive thoughts, the ones that are “life-changing,” those thoughts are often few and far between.

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2017年1月7日,唤觉音乐封箱演出,在愚公移山和猴年马月的自己挥手告别。The ending show of the lunar year of monkey, 2016, will be shown on 1.7,2017. Wish you all the best in new year.

而股东们即使在法律诉讼中占到上风,要想拿到钱可能也要猴年马月了。Even if shareholders were to prevail in any suit, it would likely be years before investors could collect any money.

陷入女人荒地男人,都有一种“如果错过这次,下次就不知道等到猴年马月“地危机感。In female shortage of men, have a kind of" if you miss this, next time do not know when God knows how long" sense of crisis.

地球在2025年、2050年或是猴年马月的哪一天也绝不会比今天或是猴和马的祖先进化出四肢登上陆地的那一天有更多的水。The world will have no more of it in 2025, or 2050, or when the cows come home, than it has today, or when it lapped at the sides of Noah’s ark.

但是由于预算有限军方被迫每年都要从他们的产品目录上砍掉一些内容以减少现金流动,这一数量级的增加计划通常也要被推迟到“猴年马月”。But increases of this magnitude often are pushed to the "out years, " as budget constraints force the services each year to cut back on production volumes and reduce their cash flow.

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下楼的时候我看见他的后屁兜里塞着一本掉了封皮儿的不知道是猴年马月的烂杂志。When coming downstairs, I do not know being that the annual horse of monkey is monthly rot a magazine be seeing that his queen fart wraps up Lisai one having lost the paper wrapping son's.