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所有FB用户可以“投票”或自己选择“繁体”。All FB users can "vote" or "thumbs up" his choice.

一个TF2维基繁体中文翻译者。One of the TF2 wiki Traditional Chinese translator.

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清单值的部份可以依据喜好选择英文或繁体中文。English or Traditional Chinese LOV can be chosen from now.

查看和编辑繁体中文文档的字体。Font for viewing and editing Traditional Chinese documents.

我可以输入简体中文但是不知道如何输入繁体中文。I can input Chinese simplified but cannot input Chinese traditional.

这是一个0.9.16版的繁体中文翻译,直接由先前版本修改而来。This is0.9.16 Chinese Trad Translation, based on the previous version.

成语的版本亦同时支援繁体中文和简体中文。Idiom's language supports both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

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本书含十章,包括繁体中文和简体中文版。This book contains 10 chapters in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.

以上提到的服务在仅繁体中文语言提供。The services mentioned above are provided in Traditional ChineseLanguage only.

香港及繁体中文阅读人士,可选择在以下论坛注册!For Local and Traditional Chinese Readers, you may register on the Board below!

书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy.

用户界面的语言支援英文,繁体中文及简体中文。User interface's language supports English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese.

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说明文档是繁体语言,如果有乱码,用IE打开就可以了。Documentation is the traditional language, if there is gibberish, it is open IE with it.

泰语,英语,汉语简体,汉语繁体四种界面,一键切换。Interface of Thai, English, Traditional Chinese or Simplify Chinese. One keyboard toggle.

我是大陆的,难道我发的文章还要转成繁体才能在BBS上看到吗?。I am fron mainland, shall I transfer my word from GB to Big5 before posting it on the BBS?

那那那…没有繁体中文语言支援套件,不就没办法了?The Traditional Chinese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly.

德语,英语,汉语简体,汉语繁体四种界面,一键切换。Interface of French, English, Simplify Chinese and Traditional Chinese, One keyboard toggle.

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很多门生乃至不能欣赏繁体汉字,更别提誊写了。Many students can't even read, not to mention write, traditional full-form Chinese characters.

有些错别字,我会在茶桶准备好的繁体中文版档案时做订正。There are a few typos in it, and I will fix them when Detong prepare the traditional Chinese file.

“自由门”的版本6.80支持简体中文,繁体中文,英语,西班牙语和波斯语接面。Version 6.80 supports simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English, Spanish and Farsi interfaces.