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裁缝正在把线缠成线团。The tailor was balling the yarn.

我是个可怜的女孩,在这里漂洗线团。I am a poor girl, and I am rinsing yarn.

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你能分清哪个是线团,哪个是我吗?Can you distinguish me from this caddice ball?

毛线团从她的膝上滚落,她也没有去管它。Her ball of yarn rolled from her lap. she let it go.

加拉隆的手指仿佛在编织一篮子线团般舞动。Galaeron's fingers weaved a basket of lines before him.

一根鸡毛、一个线团,都是它的好玩具,耍个没完没了。A feather, a thread, is it a good toy, playing a never-ending.

你曾经试图想要解开一团缠在一起的线团吗?HAVE you ever tried to undo a bunch of tangled wires or cords?

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并且,讨论了线团-收敛图的线团-收敛指数。We also discuss the KL convergent index of KL convergent graphs.

通过岩心流动试验研究了微线团的应用性能。Application performance of micro-coil is studied on core flow test.

如果你没有按照正确的顺序找到适当的线头,线团就会更乱。If you don't pull on the right wires in the right order, the mess becomes worse.

采用物质平衡法测定微线团在砂粒表面的静态吸附量和动态滞留量。The material balance method is used to determine absorption capacity of micro-coil.

但是如果你开始找到的线头就是好的,解开线团会更容易。But if your first pulls are good ones, the untangling becomes easier with each move.

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走着走着道觉得有些奇异,回头一看,原来线团的一头被布抓在手里。Walk way feel some peculiar, turn head a see, originally line regiment of grip on a cloth.

公狗瞧一眼,它像是一只五颜六色又脏又乱的线团。"The kids took one look at the male pup, a ragamuffin ball of string, and exclaimed, " Andy!

她从某个交汇点开始,任意选择一个通路,从线团上退下一些线。She starts at some intersection and goes down a randomly chosen passage, unreeling the string.

一天,国王骑马狩猎去了,王后便带着这些小衬衫走进森林,用线团儿在前面给她引路。Then one day when the king had ridden out hunting, she took the little shirts and went into the woods.

乔抖动蓝色的军袜,把里头的针弄得铮铮作响,线团也滚落到一边。And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room.

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不过没有提修斯那么幸运的是,没有阿里阿德涅给尼采走迷宫用的线团,尼采只身闯入了自己的精神迷宫。Yet unlike Theseus, who held on to Ariadne’s thread, Nietzsche ventured into the labyrinth of his soul all by himself.

采用扭矩天平称取质量法,证实微线团能在岩心表面形成积累膜。Experiments show that the micro-coil in the core can form multi-layer adsorption, which is called membrane accumulation.

只是爱抚它,在它面前舞动线团,就能让它觉得和你是一家人了。Simply petting your kitten and dancing a piece of string in front of them can make them feel like a part of your family.