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箱子里满都是沙土。The box was full of sand.

用于铺在冰冷的通道上猫砂或者是沙土。cat litter or sand for icy walkways.

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那岩石已风化成沙土。The rock has weathered away into soil.

液体渗过沙土。The liquid filtered through sandy soil.

水正从沙土中渗出。Water is straining through the sandy soil.

眼睛灌满了沙土,成了黑洞洞。Between its sand-filled eyes was a black hole.

水滤过沙土流入井内。Water filters through sandy soil and into the well.

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曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。The tractors have made deep furrows in the loose sand.

香瓜是一种大型的水果,而它生长在沙土上。Cantaloup is a large fruit, and it grows on sandy soil.

水漏过沙土后流进井里。Water filters through the sandy soil and into the well.

我在沙土趺坐检视自己的人生。I sat cross-legged in the sand and contemplated my life.

大风起兮,「沙土」扬,是橄榄球场常见的镜头。Off in a cloud of dust! A frequent sight on the rugby field.

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当一阵狂风吹得沙土飞扬的时候,孩子们不由自主地眯起双眼。Children squint as wind whips the grey sand into their faces.

内场呈正方形,为红沙土场地,四角各设一个垒位。Infield is square and with red sand, each corner with a base.

淘掉沙土后,也许有些金子留下来。After you pan out the dirt and sand there might be some gold left.

在这个时候,唯一能听到的声音就是铁锹碰到沙土发出的枯燥的撞击声。For a while, the only sound was the dry thud of metal hitting sand.

航道被沙土淤积堵塞,因此船舶不能使用它了。The channel had chocked up with sand so that boats couldn't use it.

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这沙土地利于排水,适于种植块根作物。This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.

我从沙坑里走出几码远,气愤地踢着沙土。Walking a few yards from the pit, I kicked disgustedly at the dirt.

我以这垛高墙作为自豪,而用沙土把它埋得结结实实I take pride in this great wall, and I plaster it with dust and sand