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可以做些什么以遏止危机呢?What can be done to stem the crisis?

美国FDA计划出台措施,遏止滥用止咳药。FDA looks to curb abuse of cough medicine.

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美联储和财政部试图遏止眼前的金融危机所导致的后果,而美联储看上去将会输掉这场战斗。And that’s a fight the feds seem to be losing.

的ASI是球在一个管式,以遏止有关。The ASI is the ball in a tube type to clamp on.

我们遏止了移民归化手续费的上涨。And we’ve stemmed the increases in naturalization fees.

医生们不眠不休地为遏止传染病而工作。The doctors worked around the clock to stem the epidemic.

中国已一再承诺,会采取更强硬的措施来遏止盗版。China has promised repeatedly to take tougher measures to curb piracy.

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遏止疫病的血清远在六百七十四英里外的安克雷奇市。The serum that could stop the outbreak was 674 miles away in Anchorage.

找到自己在一个阁楼表明,你需要以遏止您的面盆。To find yourself in a garret shows that you need to curb your vanities.

随着我们长大“成熟”,许多人遏止或拒绝我们好奇的天性。As we grow up and “mature” many of us stifle or deny our natural curiosity.

眼见这不可遏止的悲恸勃然爆发,埃莉诺不可能保持沉默了。Elinor could no longer witness this torrent of unresisted grief in silence.

可怕的是,这种发展显然已经成为一种无法遏止的势态。The ghostlike character of this development lies in its apparently compulsory.

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对公共权力的监督制约是遏止腐败的系统工程中最基本的措施。The supervision to the public power is the most important handle in these systems.

1970年的通货膨胀流毒直到1982年春天才被美联储遏止。The inflationary virus of the 1970s had been felled by the Fed by the spring of 1982.

现在,他们可以通过治疗遏止住病情的发展。Now, they have a treatment that arrests or halts the disease process, " Muenzer said."

当局应该采取强硬手段遏止校内外霸凌事件。The authority should adopt strong methods to suppress on-campus and off-campus bullying.

有关于美国领导的联军所取得的积极进展的报道没有能够遏止恐惧的蔓延。But positive progress reports from the US-led coalition have done little to curb the fear.

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维持前线强大警力以遏止暴力罪案,并对高风险地点倍加注意。Ensure a strong police presence to deter violent crime, particularly at high-risk premises.

穿制服也可遏止学生在每天的穿著打扮上相互竞争。It also stops students from competing with one another over what clothes they wear each day.

当面临多通路的通路冲突,多以惩罚手段遏止。If multi-channel channel conflict occurred, they usually stop annoy by punishment measurement.