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与朋友和家人谈心。Talk to friends and family.

我们为什么不出去走走,谈谈心呢?Why don't we go out and talk?

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和好朋友谈谈心,找到你生气的原因。Good friends talk, you find angry.

凯特毫无保留地和我谈心。Kate told me her mind without reserve.

试着与他们谈谈心,告诉他们你的感受。Go talk to them and tell them how you feel.

一个人总该有权和自己的妻子谈谈心吧。A man has the right to think aloud to his wife.

祷告其实很简单,就是你我之间的谈心。Prayer is simply you having a conversation with Me.

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不要对他们发怒,也不要让他们觉得歉疚,就只是平心静气地谈心。Not out of rage or to guilt or shame them. Just talk.

姜宇赫拽住她的手,请求她留下来谈心。JiangYuHe plucked at her hand, ask her to stay commune.

他能倾听别人意见,因此他们喜欢同他谈心。He was a good listener and they would like to talk with him.

整天面对那些臭男人,没有一个可以谈心的。I always face those bastards, I can't make friends with them.

我们使两位男女朋友坐在一起谈心。We brought the boy and girl friends together for conversation.

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对,你的确应该找人谈谈心,无需感到羞愧。Yes, you should probably talk to someone. There's no shame in that.

相比人与人之间的相互交流,蒙古人更擅长与自然谈心。Mongolians are better at communing with nature than with each other.

对她的任何关心、搂抱、谈心或坐着陪伴都打动不了她。No amount of love, hugs, talking or sitting had been able to stir her.

别忘了你还可以找朋友谈谈心,他们会让你感觉好一点儿。Your friends will always be there and they'll make you feel better too.

谈心活动有助于思想问题的解决。Heart-to-heart chats are conducive to the solution of ideological problems.

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两个女人成天在一块儿谈心,到头来没有不吵架的。A whole day's tete-a tete between two women can never end without a quarrel.

以前,他们会在离城堡不远的树林里散步,愉快地谈心。Before, they would talk happily and take walks in the woods near the castle.

直到昨天和妈妈谈心我才理解妈妈对我的爱。I didn't understand my mother's love to me until I talked with her yesterday.