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他默默地受辱。He suffered the insults in silence.

他对那次受辱仍耿耿于怀。The insult still rankled in his mind.

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我不知道是感到开心呢还是受辱。I don't know whether to be chuffed or insulted.

她迟早会为受辱对他进行报复。She will be avenged on him for an insult sooner or later.

司书不堪受辱,就跳井了。Take charge of a book unbearable humiliate, jump into well.

他拒绝向该计划捐款,借此为自己受辱进行报复。He avenged the insult by refusing to give money to the scheme.

当有人叫他卡奴时,他觉得很受辱。He feels humiliated when someone calls him "Credit Card Slave."

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对你和你姐姐来说是一个负担的想法让他们感到受辱。The idea of being a burden to you and your sister is mortifying.

中国的人口是日本的10倍,也没有日本那样的受辱感。China has 10 times Japan's population and none of its bashfulness.

否则,小则个人受辱,大则就有毁身败家,甚至于破国之虞了。It could even be so serious as to bring the whole country to ruin.

他决心不同她在那受辱台上并肩而立。He resolved not to be pilloried beside her on her pedestal of shame.

“你的意思是我在全体师生面前受辱你很开心吗?”,安米哭了。"Do you mean you are glad I was disgraced before the wholeschool?" cried Amy.

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“你的意思是我在全体师生面前受辱你很开心吗?”,安米哭了。"Do you mean you are glad I was disgraced before the whole school?" cried Amy.

每一个回答都让我恼火,让我感觉当众受辱。I felt "dissed. " Each answer burned me and I felt publicly shamed and humiliated.

不要盯住一个残疾者或坐轮椅的病人,否则会使他们感到受辱。Never stare at a cripple or any one in a invalid chair, it is humiliating to them.

但许多人往往宁可拿自己的钱途冒险,也不愿意当众受辱,沃斯说。But many are often wiling to risk financial suicide over public humiliation, Voss says.

左撇子不再受辱或被公开地嘲弄,他们可以和我们和平共处。No longer shamed or openly mocked, the left-handed are allowed to coexist with us peacefully.

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在非数字世界中,接近一个潜在的同伴带来的是尴尬和受辱的风险。In the non-digital world, approaching a potential partner brings the risk of awkwardness or humiliation.

那时,摩阿布必因革摩士而受辱,就如以色列家因他们信赖的贝特耳而受辱一样。And Moab shall be ashamed of Chamos, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel, in which they trusted.

侮辱人者是把话写在沙上,受辱者却把它看作镶刻在铜上。The man who offers an insult writes it in sand, but for the man who received it, it's chiseled in bronze.