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她喜欢添油加醋。She likes spicing things up.

我没有添油加醋,我说的都是事实。I didn’t spice up. All I said is true.

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原因是她突然添油加醋的后续自我?The reason for her sudden sexed-up self?

而每次出了娄子,媒体就会添油加醋。And every time they do, the press pounces.

量虚构的情节为自己的故事添油加醋。He tried to adorn his story with a lot of lies.

我的同学添油加醋地给我讲了这个故事。My classmates told a well-spiced story about it.

他试图以大量虚构的情节为自己的故事添油加醋。He tried to make his story with a lot of fabricated plots.

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记者们对我们的小分歧作了添油加醋的报道。The reporters were dramatizing the small disagreement we had.

他想要在真实情况上添油加醋,把它编成一个更有趣的故事。He tends to varnish the truth to make a more interesting story.

他试图以大量虚构的情节为自己的故事添油加醋。He attempted to add a great amount of imaginary plots to his story.

也许我对他的回答进行了添油加醋,但是我当时就是这种感觉。I may be overstating their answer, but I got that flavor from them.

他试图以大量虚构的情节为自己的故事添油加醋。He tried to design many fictional plots to make addictive of his article.

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当别人谈论莫名其妙的八卦的时候,不添油加醋,这便是沉默。When you meet somebody who you do not like, do not defame him, it is silence.

或者科学家对风险添油加醋,而贬低了不确定性?Or have scientists been sexing up the risks and playing down the uncertainties?

这样的故事仍在坊间流传,但齐藤说这些故事中大多数都是添油加醋的传说。Such stories still persist, but Saito dismisses most of them as colorful fictions.

这一报道因媒体中出现的大量反华内容而添油加醋。The story was reinforced by a spate of anti-China stories circulating in the media.

戚玉棠气愤父亲的不守信用,打电话回家添油加醋的告诉了家里人。Qi Yutang angry father's bad faith, call home to tell the family adding the trimmings.

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有些员工还会添油加醋,散布谣言,给经理带来更多的麻烦。Some employees spice up information and spread rumors, creating more trouble for managers.

易普拉欣在媒体采访中,指责他们餐厅的竞争者们因为嫉妒而在这场争论中添油加醋。Speaking to the Guardian 3, Ibrahim blamed envy from competitors for fuelling the controversy 4.

辩护团队的说法可能很快成为广泛散布的流言,有各种各样的添油加醋。The defense team's allegation 'could quickly become a viral rumor with all sorts of addenda to it.