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你说的与本题无关。What you said is irrelevant to the subject.

他于1858年,曾寄给我关于本题的一篇论文。In 1858 he sent me a memoir on this subject.

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他所说的话与本题没有多大关系。What he said has not much bearing on the subject.

你所说的和本题无关。What you have said has no bearing on the present subject.

引言部分将介绍选择本题目的意义。Introduction will describe the significance of choosing the topic.

本题有上千种的可能性,有些在读物中有提到过。There are thousands of possibilities, some suggested by our readings.

允许重用领域知识是最近在本题研究中的其中一个驱动力量。Enabling reuse of domain knowledge was one of the driving forces behind recent surge in ontology research.

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本题中,票据原因关系只存在于A公司与B公司之间,G公司的付款请求不得拒绝。In this case, the reason relations only between Company A and B, Company G's payment requests shall not be refused.

作者以其长期做工程设计和施工概预算工作及配合施工的实际专业经验和执行“规范”的体会,对本题做了分析论述。This paper make an analysis and discussion on it, based on the writer's professional experience of design, budgetary estimate and use of Code.

本题A公司将募集资金用于申购新股和投资证券公司,是不符合规定的。In this problem, A Corporation takes the raise funds for purchasing of new shares and investing for securities companies, thus it is not permitted.

本题中,上一会计年度甲公司与丁公司的营业额合计超过20亿元人民币,且双方营业额均超过4亿元人民币。In the case, the previous fiscal year Company Jia and Ding's total revenue is more than 2 billion Yuan, and each of them is more than 400 million Yuan.

本题的话题关于压力,那考生可从当前社会现象来考虑这个问题,考生不难想出当下对压力这一现象的情况,即很多人都在承受。Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it.

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本题乃针对魏晋名士的表达悲伤方式作探讨,期能了解其任诞行为产生之因与它背后的真实意趣。This paper aims to discuss how scholars of Wei-Chin Dynasties expressed their sadness, with in-depth understanding of the cause and meaning of their absurd behavior.

最后,本题结合我国中小企业发展与资本市场发展的现状,提出了参考性政策建议。And figured out the direction for the Small and medium-sized enterprises' standardize their own fathering system under the situation of capital market's healthiness and development.

本题运用思辨性科学研究方法,从文献探索的角度,在前人研究成果的基础上,进一步对该书作者的姓名、生平及其贡献加以考证。From the point of view of literature exploration, we applied differentiated scientific research methods to make a textual research on the author's name, time of life and contribution.

本题探讨结果表明,多抗甲素具育抗炎、抗过敏、鉴别小儿生长痛和佐证说明本病病因学的作用。The results show that alpha-polyantigen has nti-inflammatory and anti-allergic actions, by which the diagnosis of child growth-pain can be made and the etiology of the disease explored.

作为总统,我尽力确保美国再度履行其义务,特别是波及保险跟政治本题时,因为这些标题常常造成关联的缓和。As President, I've worked to ensure that America once again meets its responsibilities, especially when it comes to the security and political issues that have often been a source of tension.

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本题描述了知识范围。它可以被人们或软件使用,旨在共享诸如汽车、房屋、机器、书籍、生产和金融事务等等对象的信息。Ontology describes an area of knowledge. It can be used by people, or software, to share information about objects like automobiles, houses, medicine, books, production, financial transactions, etc.