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我听到了他说的话,但只是模模糊糊的。I heard him, but only vaguely.

农场房屋和水车护架都模模糊糊,呈现着浅蓝色。The farm buildings and the wheel-house were all dim and bluish.

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模糊限制语是把事物弄得模模糊糊的词语。Hedging is defined as words whose job is to make things fuzzier.

他们生产的洋葱只能使你模模糊糊地有那么一点感到像洋葱。They are producing onions that only vaguely remind you of onions.

一时间,在他的思想中模模糊糊闪出了重婚这个念头。Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment.

我对于周围所发生的事只模模糊糊地知道一些。I had only an indistinct understanding of what was passing around me.

农场房屋和水车护架都模模糊糊,呈现着浅蓝色。Both the farm houses and the supporting frame showed a misty light blue.

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我猜想,思特里克兰德在有形的事物上模模糊糊地看到某种精神意义。I fancy that strickland saw vaguely some spiritual meaning in material things.

小小的窗洞将一束光线照在她身上,他模模糊糊看到了她的脸。那张脸看上去还是老样子。The light from the small hole shone on her in a bar and he saw her face dimly.

在她说话时,我模模糊糊地辨认出一张小孩的脸向窗里望。As it spoke, I discerned, obscurely, a child's face looking through the window.

在她说话时,我模模糊糊地辨认出一张小孩的脸向窗里望。As it spoke, I discerned, obscurely, a child’s face looking through the window.

我只能模模糊糊的看见点光亮,有时甚至难以保持身体平衡。I can only see light and blurs in the eye and have trouble keep my balance sometimes.

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你记忆中模模糊糊的是否是其居高不下的失业率、自杀率还是前苏联走卒的过去?Do you vaguely recall its high unemployment and suicide rates or its past as a Soviet pawn?

她说她只能模模糊糊地回忆起保密协议的问题,但是她并不属于知情人的范围。She said that she could vaguely recall a confidentiality agreement, but wasn't privy to it.

孩子对于这些模模糊糊地有所觉察,他认为胸中翻涌的情感正是对母亲的爱意。Vaguely aware of this, the child thinks the surge of feeling in him is love for his mother.

在这些追杀时刻,达哈卡看上去模模糊糊的,有时能够瞬间移动几码远的距离。The Dahaka appears blurry during these moments and can sometimes teleport a few yards at a time.

受了压迫的肌肉刺激了神经,使得睡意正浓的脑海里浮现出一片模模糊糊的景象。The muscles so held irritated a few nerves, and now a vague scene floated in on the drowsy mind.

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我就像晕死了一般,模模糊糊中好像有人在轻咬我的耳朵,不知道是鲍先生还是他的助手。After that everything was a blur. I recall someone, either Bolt or his assistant, nibbling my ear.

他也没觉得心里太难过,模模糊糊地他是觉得有点儿被涮了,但不露出来。He had no serious hard feelings, just a vague sense of getting shortchanged , and showed it was all.

今晚只有邻近少数微弱的、模模糊糊的灯光能够透过这几乎是一片混沌,被风刮起来的雪幕。Tonight only a faint blur of a few nearer lights penetrated the almost-opaque curtain of wind driven snow.