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罗比已经告诉我了。Robbie told me.

塞缪尔告诉我。Samuel told me.

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让我来告诉您吧。Let me teel you.

告诉你的苏艾。Tell your Sudie.

爸,你告诉我为什么!Dad, tell me why!

我也告诉过马侬了。I told Magnon so.

告诉我多久了!Tell me how long!

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告诉你,爸爸。Tells you, daddy.

我没有告诉过你吗?Dinn't I tell you?

快告诉我内幕消息!Give me the scoop!

下步,有谁告诉我。Next, tell me who.

请告诉我往的路。Plas show mth way.

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按照我告诉你的去做。Do what I tell you.

我已这样告诉过你了。I done told you so.

让我来告诉你!!Lett me tell you! !

我来告诉你吧。Suppose I tell you.

是的,她可以告诉你。Yeah, she can tell.

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你来,站起来告诉我们原因?Yes. Stand up. Why?

我有要紧事告诉她。And then I tell her.

让我再来告诉你们一个求乘方的方法吧?But they're not. OK?