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欧巴马还是显得不慌不忙。Mr Obama seems unruffled.

公主不慌不忙地揭下面纱。The princess unveiled unhurriedly.

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现在他正在不慌不忙地找工作。He's taking his time looking for work.

我很重视自由及不慌不忙。I put much emphasis on free-and-easy-going.

她不慌不忙地过了桥。She crossed the bridge at a leisurely pace.

曼奇尼想赶快继续比赛,但大卫却不慌不忙。Mancini wanted to rush the game but David was happy.

这时他倒不慌不忙起来,最后摇摇晃晃地出了商店。He took his time now, finally waddling out of the store.

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这时他不慌不忙的问教授你不认识我吗?He in no hurrily ask a professor at this time incognizant I?

他不慌不忙地将信从信封里取出打开来。Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelop, and unfolded it.

猫却不慌不忙,敏捷而灵巧地纵身爬上了树梢,免遭暗算。Cat but calmly, smart and quick to jump to climb a tree, from the plot.

玉帝不慌不忙的走入水中,抓住牛郎。The Jade Emperor deliberately walked into the river, and clutched Cowherd.

她不慌不忙,像欣赏稀有珍宝似地欣赏着每一朵花。She was in no hurry, relishing each blossom as a rare and delicate treasure.

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他点上香烟,点烟的手不慌不忙,两眼朝烟雾眯缝着。He lit his cigarette, his hand very steady, his eyes narrowed against the smoke.

从容,高效,不慌不忙,中国正将所有的工人撤到安全的地方。Quietly, effectively, without fuss, China is evacuating all its workers to safety.

这种不慌不忙的态度并不代表做的少或者产量低。This no-rush attitude doesn’t represent doing less or having a lower productivity.

克斯特亚从座位上站起来,不慌不忙地穿过酒吧,朝瘦子季曼的办公室走去。Kostya rose from his seat and walked the length of the bar to Skinny Zyama’s office.

他奋力向前走去,仍旧那样不慌不忙,但是目标坚定。He pressed resolutely forward, still without haste, but with dogged fixity of purpose.

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放轻松点,不慌不忙地,把注意力集中在你想要穿的款式上。Take your time, you're not in a hurry, and focus in on what type of clothing you want.

假如你保持镇定、不慌不忙、集中精力注意前方,驾驶考试就能及格。If you keep calm, take your time, concentrate and think ahead, you'll pass your driving testa.

他不慌不忙,认认真真地写下一串纤细而清晰的字迹。Then he sat down next to Voisin and began to write, carefully, without hurry, a thin legible hand.