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要养成雷厉风行的习惯是需要一点时间的。It takes time to develop the habit of taking action.

你或许认为“雷厉风行,只争朝夕”是最好的办事风格吧。You would think that immediate, unmitigated action is best.

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你们当中有些人希望我们雷厉风行,有些人则建议我们谨慎行事。Some of you wanted to move very quickly. Others advised caution.

二女儿权薇是电视台主持人,做事雷厉风行。The two daughter right Wei is a television presenter, work resolutely.

想要养成雷厉风行的习惯,我们需要设定一些能够激励我们的目标。To develop the habit of action, we need to make goals that inspire us.

因为雷厉风行,给人的印象一般是很硬。Because vigorous and resolute, gives the impression is generally very hard.

假如你想要养成雷厉风行的习惯的话,你需要被激励去那样做。If you’re going to develop the habit of taking action, you need to be motivated.

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你六十五年岁,和你这首总是雷厉风行,埋头苦干,你的心累了。You're sixty-five years old, and you've always worked hard, and your heart's tired.

大家说干就干,雷厉风行,两天就栽种了三千棵树苗。They worked vigorously and speedily and planted three thousand young trees in two days.

你对生活和工作雷厉风行的态度让每个人都感到惊奇。You will surprise everyone with your no nonsense approach to life and everything you do.

这次雷厉风行的行动使这个规范显著简化。The result of this flurry of activity was a significant simplification of the specification.

丈夫是一个雷厉风行的人,他立刻打开笔记本电脑,登陆到国家卫生事业局猪流感症状查询中心。Being a man of action, he brought up the laptop and logged on to the NHS Swine Flu symptom-checker.

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我们做事要完整到位,不找借口、不推诿、不扯皮,雷厉风行。We doing thing should be completed and reaching the very place, not make excuse, not shuffle, not wrangle, and decisive and rapid.

我们做事要完整到位,不找借口、不推诿、不扯皮,雷厉风行。We work must arrive completely, does not find the excuse, not to shift responsibility onto others, not to wrangle, vigorous and resolute.

的确,薄熙来性子急,说话直,做事雷厉风行,不拖泥带水,身边一起共事的人常常说他是“工作狂”。Bo is indeed quick-tempered and outspoken. He is a man of action and does not tolerate any sloppiness. His colleagues call him a "workaholic".

那些在阵中曾经多次领教过穆帅的雷厉风行的一批人证实——德罗巴最终“生还”了!It is further proof that in the department of a superannuated squad who have witnessed Mourinho's ruthless side more often than not, Drogba is the ultimate survivor.

“塔松人”始终坚持“雷厉风行,日清日高”的工作作风,对用户坚持“用户第一,品质至上”的原则。Tasson people always persist "high efficiency, fast improvement" work style, and obey "customer first, quality crucial" principal. Tianjin Tasson piston manufacturing Co.

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新一任足协主席将在明年上任,也许开始都要雷厉风行地立志改变收拾烂摊子,然后虚晃一枪,按兵不动。New soccer association president will take office in next year, perhaps starts to resolve to change vigorously and resolutely tidies up the mess, then empty shakes a gun, holds troops.

新加坡最为雷厉风行的前任首脑,李光耀,在本周最终要上庭与控诉者对决,而现任首相则在证人席就坐。The most dogged critic of Singapore’s former prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, was finally able to confront his accuser this week in open court, as the prime minister sat in the witness box.

同时,各级领导干部认真转变作风,始终保持奋发有为的精神状态,做到了求真务实、雷厉风行、扎实苦干。Meanwhile, leading cadres at all levels to seriously change their style, and always maintain an energetic and promising state of mind, so that the pragmatic, vigorous and resolute, solid work.