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伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。A great man should disdain flatterers.

她一直向约翰献媚,而约翰亦欣然接受。She flatters John all the time and John just laps it up.

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我还知道他善于在宫廷里献媚,同时又是一个大胆的阴谋家。I knew him as a courtier , too, and as a bold intriguant.

他竭力向王室献媚。He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family.

啊,美呀,在爱中找你自己吧,不要到你镜子的献媚往找觅。O Beauty find thyimmol in love not in the flattery of thy mirror.

骄傲的心碰上献媚的嘴,是最危险不过的。It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips

你胆敢向我的贝贝献媚,她可是未来的溜溜王妃!You dare to kneel down at Princess Giglio's knees and kiss her hand! '

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抽象的、笼统的行善是恶棍、伪君子和献媚者的托辞。Abstract and unspecific kindnesses are just quip of villians or hypocrites.

工人们全都向他献媚,因为他是决定谁能拿到奖金的人。The workers are all sucking up to him, because he can determine who can get the award.

在热恋的时候,男孩子献媚给他心爱的女孩子多少是一种喜爱对方的表现。The boy 'scourtesyto his loving girl is something of an endearment in the sceneofhotloveaffairs.

当董事长大驾光临我们办公室时,他期望全体职员向他献媚。The Chairman expects the entire staff to dance attendance on him when he designs to visit our office.

我向父皇的妃子们谄谄献媚。我感觉就像野狗追逐脏老鼠一样恶心。And I show respect and give gifts to my father's Concubines. Ah, I feel like a dog chasing dirty mice.

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在这个世上,我看厌了那些莫名其妙的献媚之辞,更不屑那些刻意的吹捧。In this world, I see tired flatter those baffling words, but also disdain those who deliberately touted.

不过,银幕上的中国好汉形象仍然是个新鲜事物,显然这部电影在向大批中国观众献媚。But this positive image of China is new to the silver screen, and it clearly flatters a lot of Chinese moviegoers.

若那个男人既欺骗你或你的孩子又对你们献媚,不要嫁给他,和他订婚,或甚至不要和他在一起。Don't marry, get engaged to or otherwise even associate with men who will either sell or buy you, your children or both.

如果女人太过主动地向男人献媚,男人不会拒绝你,但是不会与你白头到老。If woman too too active Xiang Nan's person is kittenish, the man won't reject you, but won't arrive with your hoary head old.

人生最大的羞辱是献媚。人生最危险的境地是贪婪。人生最烦恼的是争名利。Life's greatest shame is ass-kissing. Life's most dangerous position is greed. Life is the most trouble for the fame and fortune.

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这样的话,获益的不仅仅有外国人,也包括中国在内——很有可能这就是中国将其放在收尾追逐献媚的主要原因。That would not only benefit the foreigners, but China too—which is probably the main reason it is courting them in the first place.

人生最大的羞辱是献媚。人生最危险的境地是贪婪。人生最烦恼的是争名利。The greatest shame is flatter. The most dangerous situation in life is greed. The most troubling is the struggle of life fame and fortune.

是的,现在的我们有一整个礼拜来享受三场华丽的胜利带来的这份荣耀。那些所谓的“专家们”都在极尽献媚之能事来褒奖我们年轻的队伍以及我们神话般瑰丽的踢法。Yes we now have a whole week to bask in the glory of three superb away wins and delight at the 'experts' waxing lyrical over our young team and the fabulous football we play.