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我想人们只是意气用事罢了。I think this is just people being very judgmental.

无论发生什么事,我哥哥总是意气用事。No matter what happens, my brother always loses his head.

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不过在李维特和达博纳看来,这些反对纯粹是意气用事。But to Levitt and Dubner, such objections are pure emotionalism.

因为他能认识到自己的无知,不会不懂装懂意气用事。Because he's aware of his ignorance, he doesn't act with foolish confidence.

他的朋友劝告他不要意气用事,在作出决定之前应该慎重考虑。His friends advised him not to act on impulse and he should think carefully before his decision.

可是讨论时不能意气用事,不能扯进其他问题,要就事论事,要从长远历史观点来讨论。We must deal with this issue on its own merits and take the long historical view in our discussions.

白冬菊的提议被县大队否决,县大队担忧白冬菊意气用事,将她关了起来。BaiDongJu proposal was county brigade veto, county brigade worries BaiDongJu passionate, will she shut up.

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你的世界需要协调一致,所以不能只有一个意气用事的人。You can't just have anyone making whatever the hell they want since your world design should be consistent.

我决不能意气用事或任由我个人的感情、偏见、敌意和友情来影响我的决定。I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions.

那么现在更加成熟、以团队为主的科比能在总决赛经得起皮尔斯小动作骚扰的考验而不意气用事吗?Can the mature, teamwork-oriented Kobe resist the temptation to shove Pierce back to Bryant's perception of a hierarchal reality?

丹尼经常意气用事,有时也会操之过急,因而在他成为放长线钓大鱼的高手之前,还得好好学会如何耐心行事。Often impulsive, occasionally over-eager, Danny had to learn to be patient before he could become skilled in the ways of the long con.

允许自己在私底下感受那些糟糕的情绪,但要抵挡住意气用事的诱惑,不要跟其他员工说一些没用的废话。Allow yourself to feel those rotten emotions in private, and resist the temptation to act impulsively by trash talking to other employees.

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如果那天我们的家人受到了伤害,我们也理应挺身而出,利用法律的武器保护他们,而不应该意气用事,让家人担心。If the day in our family, we also ought to come forward and take advantage of legal weapons to protect them, and should not be swayed to worry.

这只是儿童们撒娇邀宠,因为老妈们正在哄闹着他们。意气用事,必不可少。当然,老妈不应该让孩子们明白,她最宠爱谁。This is the younger sibling acting up because mom is playing favorites. Childish, indeed. But mom shouldn't make it so patently clear who her favorite is either.

让Shane离队对Lori来说在情感上比她想象的妖男,不管他最后做出怎样的选择,她都会觉得是因为自己一时的意气用事导致的。Letting go of Shane becomes much more emotionally difficult that she expected, and whatever choice he makes, she’s going to feel she made the wrong decision out of impulse.

意气用事,轻则浪费几年的生命,甚至丢掉半辈子的积蓄,妻离子散,要想得志,必谋定而后动。If you go without a plan, you may come back empty-handed with few years of your life wasted. Worse, you may lose your life savings and end up a broken family. To succeed there, have a plan here first.