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我喜欢秋季。I like autumn.

秋季的天气是泠还是暖呢?Is it cold or warm in aturmn?

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我笑了,在那个萧瑟的秋季。I smiled, in the bleak autumn.

太难受了。南京的秋季啊天气闷热。It's muggy in nanjing in autumn.

今日是秋季独奏曲。Today autumn will play the solo.

秋季是蜘蛛繁殖的季节。Autumn is spider breeding season.

秋季始业。The school year begins in autumn.

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可是别离的滋味,会在这个秋季里。But my taste, will be in the fall.

它发生在一九八零年秋季。It took place in the year of 1954.

秋季的鹿瑟山。Mountain Loser in autumn landscape.

它?是春季、夏季和秋季。There ate spring, summer and autumn.

我们将于秋季招收新兵。We will muster in service in autumn.

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秋季,松叶呈现出壮丽的红色。In autumn, maples turn a splendid red.

在秋季有两场比赛。And we have like two races in the fall.

秋季的课程我已经注册了。I have matriculated for the fall semester.


2001年桃园俱乐部秋季500公里大奖赛冠军。Champion Peach Garden Club 500km fall 2001.

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菊花在秋季开。Chrysanthemums put forth flowers in autumn.

橡实只是为了减少秋季。Acorns are only supposed to fall in the Fall.

每年夏天,“秋季”露天游乐场都会移师到克兰布鲁克。Each summer the fall Fair comes to Cranbrook.