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多倒运的一天。What a crummy day.

多倒运的一天。What"s a crummy day."

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他有过自得之时,也有过倒运之日。He had his ups and downs.

约翰可算是个倒运的预言家。John proved a false prophet.

谁也不想发作这些倒运透顶的事。Nobody wants to have these bad things.

这位年轻外交官开始倒运了。The fortune of the young diplomat began to wane.

她并不很像她所装做的那样倒运。She hasn't been quite so unlucky as she pretends.

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有些人认为全球化对小国倒运。Some people think globalization is bad for small nations.

感谢赫嘶婷靓丽胶囊,真是倒运中的万幸!He cries Ting beautiful thank capsule, really out of luck in the lucky!

穿戴一新的习俗保留至今,因为人们认为节日里不穿新衣是要倒运的。Wear a new customs retained, because people don't think festival clothes is to provide.

本实用新型涉及运输工具,尤其涉及一种液体电解质倒运车。The utility model relates to transportation means, in particular to a liquid electrolyte transportation vehicle.

难道这一家倒运的报纸,只关心这一天刊登一条耸人听闻的消息,于是他的工作和梦想将会全部毁于一旦?。Was some damn newspaper, concerned only with printing a sensational one-day story, about to lay in ruins all his work and dreams?

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我在一个夜晚被流氓强吻了,随后又被一个帅哥绑架到了异地,这已经够倒运的了吧?I am in a night is rogue strong lips, then be a handsome boy kidnapped in different ground, this already enough milestones, right?

而网站上仍然给从中国违法倒运蜂蜜和其它受关税保护的商品到美国的倒爷们大量机会。And websites still openly offer brokers who will illegally transship honey and scores of other tariff-protected goods from China to the U.S.

和成千上万落空了父亲或母亲的儿童成为这倒运的,他们盼望有家庭继续他们的生命,本人是同情他们的命运!And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives . I am sympathetic to their fate !

同时,赔偿乙方由此造成的停工、窝工、返工、倒运、人员和机械设备调迁、材料和构件积压的实际损失。At the same time, compensate Party B the actual loss of work stoppage, slowdown, re-dispatch rework, reshipment, staff and mechanical equipment relocating, the backlog of materials and components.