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男工们感谢亨利的帮助。The men thanked John Henry for his help.

该公司下周要再雇些男工。The company 's hiring more men next week.

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工厂既雇用男工,也雇用女工。Factories employ both male and female workers.

建筑商说他的男工第二天就开始干活。The builder said his men would start work the next day.

工作台旁许多姑娘和一些男工正在干活。At the latter laboured quite a company of girls and some men.

一个男工与30年前相比,在调整了通货膨胀后,平均挣的更少了。The median male worker earns less today, adjusted for inflation, than he did 30 years ago.

低强度噪声可引起作业男工神经行为功能的改变。Changes of neurobehavioral function of male workers could be caused by low intensity noise.

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目的探讨首都钢铁公司男工队列人群的主要死亡原因及其影响因素。Objective To evaluate the major causes of death and risk factors among male steelworkers in Beijing.

收庄稼的男工们从麦垛旁边站起来,伸了伸四肢,把烟斗里的烟火熄灭了。The harvest-men rose from the shock of corn, and stretched their limbs, and extinguished their pipes.

所有挤奶的男工,还有一些女工,他们在挤奶的时候都把额头抵在牛的身上,眼睛盯着牛奶桶。All the men, and some of the women, when milking, dug their foreheads into the cows and gazed into the pail.

喂料的男工人已经疲惫不堪,苔丝看见他红色的后颈上沾满了灰土和麦糠。The man who fed was weary, and Tess could see that the red nape of his neck was encrusted with dirt and husks.

姑娘们已在窗台上或者男工们离开的工作台上坐下来,每个可以坐的地方都挤着两三个姑娘。The other girls had ranged themselves about the windows or the work-benches of those of the men who had gone out.

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每周一次,名叫盖瑞的乳酪翻面男工会过来帮卡维先生把乳酪翻面,让乳酪里头的水分分布均匀。Once a week a man named Gary, Mr. Calver 's cheese-turner, comes in and turns it to redistribute the moisture within.

当前中国农村呈现“男工女耕”、“农业女性化”格局,妇女成为农村三大文明建设和农村全面小康社会建设的主力军。At present, rural areas in China have showed the pattern of " Men to work while women to farm" and agriculture-feminization.

挤牛奶的男工们把帽檐弯下来,前额靠在牛的身上,眼睛盯着地面,没有注意到苔丝。The male milkers, with hat-brims turned down, resting flat on their foreheads and gazing on the ground, did not observe her.

她们和车间的男工,不管老少,都很随便,用粗野的话互相斗嘴打趣。那些粗话一开始着实吓了她一跳。They were free with the fellows, young and old, about the place, and exchanged banter in rude phrases, which at first shocked her.

目的探讨长期高浓度锰烟尘暴露对男工红细胞金属元素的影响。Objective To study the effects of long-term manganese fume and dust exposure on metalelements in erythrocyte of exposed male workers.

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“如果他们要我去水银车间工作我不会去的,不管他们开多高的薪水,”另外一个年轻男工人说。“If they asked me to work inside the mercury workshop I wouldn’t do it, no matter how much they paid, ” said another young male worker.

职业性接触二恶英对男工血浆中维生素A及视黄醇正常水平具有一定的干扰作用。Occupational exposure to dioxins can disturb the normal status of vitamin A and retinoid binding proteins in the plasma of male workers.

目的研究长期高浓度锰烟尘暴露对男工体内脂质过氧化和抗氧化酶的影响。Objective To study the effects of long-term manganese fume and dust exposure on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in exposed workers.