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每个专区充当一个独立系统。Each zone behaves as a separate system.

为什么这本书在心理学专区?Why is this book in the psychology section?

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有两种专区类型,全局和非全局。There are two types of zones, global and non-global.

现在专区已具有了需要的配置。Now the zone is ready with the required configuration.

专区使用程序支持共享系统资源。The zone facility allows sharing the system resources.

模组相关的档案下载专区。All regarding the Privateer mod of files download area.

建国后河间属河北省沧县专区。Hejian after the founding of an area in Hebei Province Cangxian.

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登录到专区内部以后,全局专区将不可见。Once you log in inside the zone, the global zone is not visible.

本网站是亚洲地区音乐教育的新专区。This is the new home of music education for the Asia-Pacific region.

此后四川省有11个专区已报告病例。Cases have since been reported in 11 prefectures in Sichuan Province.

监管专区厨师长,专业厨师,厨师领班和厨师。Supervise activities of sous-chefs, specialist chefs, chefs and cooks.

重启专区,使为特定专区分配的资源生效。Reboot the zone to effect the resources allocated for a particular zone.

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在黄教授参观YOY产品专区之前,YOY生活顾问已经就位等待。YOY lifestyle consultants were ready and wait for Prof. Huang's arrival.

在置地广场床上用品专区,笔者见到了琳琅满目的绣花凉席。At Landmark bedding zones, the author met a bewildering range embroider word.

每日邀请码发布专区、快来领取邀请吗注册吧。Daily invitation code release area, come to invite you register to receive it.

1945年恢复原建置,无极属冀中第七专区。In 1945 to restore the original building, is Electrodeless seventh Jizhong area.

思茅在解放初期称“普洱专区”,市长公署驻普洱。Simao said that in the early liberation "Pu'er area, " Mayor Corruption in Pu'er.

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四川这两例发生在相隔约150公里的不同专区。The two Sichuan cases occurred in different prefectures located around 150 km apart.

我拉起苏菲的手向玩具专区走去,强烈的不详预感都让我胸闷。I take Sofie's hand and lead her to the doll section, my chest tight with foreboding.

在完成这些任务时,汉经常与企业专区管理局发生冲突。It was on these assignments that Han often tangled with the Corporate Sector Authority.