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有时广告也走歪门邪道。But advertising sometimes goes astray.

或者可以称为“歪门邪道的人和雕像”?Or should I call it "Perverts and statues"?

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不要用歪门邪道解决这个问题。Don't take crooked ways to solve the problem.

别以为我喜欢这些歪门邪道。Do not think that I am a lover of crooked ways.

当讨论这件事,我们不可有歪门邪道的念头。Let's get our minds out of the gutter while discussing this matter.

她警告过我,说你的澳洲方法是“歪门邪道,颇有争议”。She warned me your antipodean methods were "unorthodox and controversial".

你指给我看看,世界上哪个国家是标榜自己歪门邪道、阴损下流的。Show me a country on earth that prides itself on unfair play and indecency.

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因为由于环境和压力,他的这份能力身不由己地被引入了歪门邪道,人先变得坚强后懂得道德。Since his capacity to do is forced into channels of evil through environment and pressures, man is strong before he is moral.

只要可能,他还是不要背离正道,但是如有需要,他就要懂得去搞歪门邪道…So far as he is able, a prince should stick to the path of good but, if the necessity arises, he should know how to follow evil.

不过,下次可别抢我的包了,也不要抢别人的包,要知道歪门邪道的来的鞋穿起来是不舒服的。And next time, don't snatch my purse, nor anybody else's ---because shoes got by bad ways will burn your feet. I've got to go to bed now.

三月份的时候,他宣称说日本的地震和海啸是“神的警告”,因为这个国家追崇“偶像崇拜、无神论以及物质主义”这类歪门邪道。In March he sparked a storm of criticism by claiming the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was "God's warning" to a country that follows "idol worship, atheism, and materialism".

无论是食品安全或假冒猖獗,那些想欺骗或走歪门邪道的人通常总会找到绕开限制的方法,因为执法资源和力度严重不足。Whether it's food safety or rampant counterfeiting, those who want to cheat or cut corners will usually find a way around any restrictions, because enforcement resources are so woefully inadequate.