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酒吧的老板对所有的客人都笑语相迎。The boss of the bar greets everyone with a smile.

往日的笑语也已稀落,尘封在心。Yesterday's laughter was dusty deep in the heart.

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伐木工人正在回忆他亲切的笑语。Lumberjacks are recalling his brotherly talking and smiling.

这一笑语如此滑稽,以至于使孩子们笑得前仰后合。The funny joke made the children burst their sides with laughing.

你们能够快乐地成长,家庭就充满欢歌与笑语。Happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing.

踏着青春的节拍,我们向温暖的2011年走来,一路欢歌,一路笑语。By the vigorous youth, we walk towards 2011, laughing all the way, singing all the way.

前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑语,惊动了我。A few days ago, however, I was disturbed by sounds of laughter wafted through the window.

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喜色迎来新人居,月如钩,福庆笑语温情在今日。Such as hook up for a new residential, month, the celebration of laughter warmth in today.

感谢你们在我们的童年里撒下欢声和笑语,每时每刻都为我们着想。Thanks you to scatter the cheers and the joke in ours childhood, all considers every time for us.

一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,霎时宾客云集,笑语四溢。On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden when all sorts of flowers were booming.

白河的河堤上充斥着那温馨的笑语和温柔的人们。Be full of that warm and fragrant joke on the white and fluvial river embankment with gentle and soft people.

你有耳朵,你可以听到美妙的音乐,磅礴的瀑布,朋友的笑语Do you have ears that hear? You have the ability to appreciate music, the sound of rainfall, the laughter of friends.

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我要在记忆中唤起那清脆的笑语欢声,刻画在她那双温柔的蓝眼睛里闪动着的同情的泪花。I would recall the tones of that clear laugh, and conjure up the sympathising tear that glistened in the soft blue eye.

三月的北京,春寒料峭,北京钓鱼台大酒店一楼会议厅却春意融融,笑语欢声。Slight spring chill in March in Beijing, on the first floor conference of Diaoyutai Hotel is in wakening of spring and full of fun.

这种幽默启人深思,能让读者在笑语盈盈中体悟到一种乐观、宽容的人生态度。This humor evokes the reader's deep thought . The re ader can understand the optimistic and tolerant attitude towards life in smile.

那口气有点象以前的老鸨母扬着大红帕子笑语,阿花阿红接客罗的感觉。That tone a little morsel elephant one-time procuress mom the Yang dress deep red Pa sub- joke, bloom red meet visitor Luo's felling.

半个多小时的时间在不知不觉中过去了,欢声与笑语汇成一片,传递出总理与非洲人民浓浓的情谊。More than half an hour passed unknowingly. Cheers and laughter in the room embodied Premier Wen's deep friendship with the African people.

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环顾四周,人们在午餐时惬意闲谈,笑语盈盈地通电话,或者醉心于书本里的世界。You look about you and see friends chatting over lunch, people laughing on their mobiles, others escaping contentedly through novels or newspapers.

哪怕是机场,都能让我感到熟悉的空气,以及说着一口本地话的服务员,还有她们亲切的笑语温暖着游子的心。Even if is the airport, can let me feel familiar with air, and said with a local words attendant, and they kind of laughter and warm the heart of the Chinese.

网民把这事写成诗歌、笑语和民歌,以发泄他们对富二代、官二代及其恶劣的特权行为的愤怒。Netizens worked it into classical poetry, jokes and ballads to vent their fury over the vicious behavior of the privileged and the children of power and wealth.