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你演奏什么乐器,露西?What do you play, Lucy?

是的,是乐器的演奏方法Yes, the instrumentation.

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用丝弦的乐器。With stringed instruments.

你能弹奏乐器么?Can you play an instrument?

我想买电视游乐器。I want to buy a video game.

这个乐器还能拉奏。The instrument still plays.

你吗,-是乐器的演奏方法吗Yes? -The instrumentation?

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你会弹奏乐器吗?Can you play any instruments?

吴先生,你会弹奏乐器吗?。Can you play instrument, Mr. Wu?

那么第一个乐器是什么?So what was the first instrument?

你会玩乐器或者唱歌吗?Do you play an instrument or sing?

我最拿手的还是西洋乐器。I'm better at Western instruments.

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你会听到什么乐器的声音呢What instrumental sound do you hear?

是什么乐器在演奏它What instruments are playing it now?

什么乐器是中提手最妒忌的?What instrument do violists envy most?

难道仅仅钟鼓等乐器一类的实物吗?Do they merely refer to bells and drums?

蜥蜴皮鼓是新几内亚学见的乐器。Lizar-skin drum is common in New Guinea.

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一个博物馆只有乐器。One museum has only musical instruments.

一人指挥五人演奏不同乐器,大家唱。Sing the song "Can you play the guitar?"

这个奇妙的乐器就是月琴。This wonderful instrument is the yu-kin.