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青年招待所协会。The Youth Hostels Association.

青年招待所协会。Mum. The Youth Hostels Association.

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他说他现在住在一家青年招待所。He saye he's staying at a Youth Hostel.

那天夜里,风在那招待所的周围吼叫起来。During the night wind howled around the house.

曹政等人前往招待所,发现一把洛阳铲。Cao Zheng, who went to the hostel, found a Luoyang shovel.

学校招待所每天接待一百位客人。The school guesthouse receives one hundred guests everyday.

在招待所和廉价汽车旅馆度假的日子已经过去了。My days of roughing it in hostels or fleabag motels are over.

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全市有一所大学,学生都住在像这样的现代化招待所里。The city has a University and its students live in such modern hostels.

招待所条件有限,只有一个公用的澡堂。The guest house condition is limited, on lying have a public bathhouse.

而私营旅馆和招待所则不可供应烈性酒。“Private” hotels and guest houses do not have permits to server liquor.

北京西站紫藤招待所是全国最大的铁路招待所!Beijing West station wistaria hostel is the largest railway guest houses!

胜似星级宾馆酒店、青年旅舍、招待所、旅馆。Better than star-rated hotels hotels, youth hostels, guest houses, hotels.

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例如某某某,你父母已经在某地,住在某个招待所。For example, Jack, your parents has been some place, and lives some hotel.

现在Mukesh就要搬到一座更大的大厦去了,他的新大厦和海风大厦一比,把后者比得像个招待所。NowMukesh is moving into a tower that makes Sea Wind seem like a guest house.

我得到三年试用期,条件是我必须在招待所呆满一年。I got three years' probation, on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year.

他一边说着,一边就硬把胡春拖进了招待所的大门。He part say, part hard drag along beard spring into the front door of guest house.

淮安淮阴宾馆始建于1952年,原为淮阴县人民政府招待所。The hotel was built in 1952, it used to be local hotel of HuaiYin county government.

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在住房方面,绿色化已经不再是青年招待所和露营场所的专利。With regard to lodging, going green isn’t just for youth hostels and campgrounds anymore.

玉渊潭公园附近有没有经济点的宾馆招待所?Do the beautiful deep pool park have the guesthouse guest house that economy counts nearby?

他们在家属招待所扑空又走到军人招待所,问到新来女少校住处。In their family house what went to the military guest house, asked the new female major residence.