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把凄凉的湖交成伊甸乐园。An Eden of that dim lake.

过完这一季、悲伤是否还是那么凄凉。A fight seasons, won a no regrets.

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对我来说,那一刻是如此凄凉。For me, that moment was so poignant.

任这凄凉的间歇像浩瀚的海洋Let this sad interim like the ocean be

不要怨天尤人,无论现在看来是怎么地黯淡凄凉。Complain not, no matter how bleak it seems.

他使我终日凄凉发昏。He made me desolate, faint all the day long.

放松!当情况显得凄凉的时候。Relax! When things appear at their bleakest.

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四面八方全是凄凉寥廓的旷地。On all sides there were lugubrious stretches.

风刮得阴冷如冬——四周是一片凄凉。The cold wind from the north chilled the day.

所以他们才成为我们社会最凄凉的人。So they are the bleakest group of our society.

漆黑的沙漠公路,这反映了“我”内心的孤独、无助与凄凉。On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair.

在旧社会,它是一个凄凉、肮脏的小镇。In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town.

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已觉秋窗秋不尽,那堪风雨助凄凉!Having had the taste of autumn through the window.

轻点红尘,一溪墨色的凄凉跃然心间。Click the Red, a stream of bleak vividly ink heart.

大部分时间我会感到精疲力竭、空虚和凄凉。Most of the time I felt exhausted, empty, and cold.

抬头浅笑、掩盖心中那份凄凉。Look up and smile, conceal the heart of that desolate.

贝多芬的晚年十分凄凉,在贫病交加中死去。Beethoven's very miserable old age, died in sick Cross.

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夜空中又传来了那又长又凄凉的狗叫声。That long, lugubrious howl rose on the night air again!

看到着孤寂的景象,我心中满是凄凉。The sight of the desolation filled me with forlornness.

非洲将是这异常凄凉的一年里的亮点。Africa will be the highlight of an otherwise dismal year.