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那么,这是遗传的吗?Well, is it genetic?

习癖是遗传的。Habits are inherited.

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大腹便便是可以遗传的吗?Is belly fat inherited?

耳聋是可以遗传的。Deafness can be inherited.

这种病遗传吗?Is this disease hereditary?

遗传与环境?Heredity versus environment?

请问这是风湿痛遗传吗?Is it genetic rheumatism it?

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血友病是他家的遗传。Hemophilia runs in his family.

我的家族遗传史都遗传了这两种病。I have a family history of both.

我想,这一定是他的遗传基因在起作用。I think it must be in the genes.

那么什么是遗传算法呢?So what is the genetic algorithm?

单卵双胎与遗传无关。Odd egg dual and genetic Mo close.

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今天我们讲这些遗传因子称为基因。Today we call these factors genes.

有些病是遗传的结果。Some diseases are present by heredity.

可引起可遗传的基因突变。R46 May cause heritable genetic damage.

最后对断口遗传机制进行了分析。Finaly, the mechanism of FH is analyzed.

遗传算法是一种宏观意义上的仿生算法。GA is mimic-life algorithm in grandness.

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磨牙通常是由遗传或压力造成的。It is usually due to genetics or stress.

绝大多数染色粒包含一个遗传单位。Most chromomeres contain a genetic unit.

我有两个酒窝,遗传自我的爸爸。I have two dimples. It's after my father.