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接着,电影开场。And then, the movie.

谁是开场演出者?。Who is the opening act?

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柏拉图为何以此开场?Why does Plato begin this way?

她常用一个色彩斑斓的冒盒作为自己的开场。She begins by opening a colorful hatbox.

这是电视节目「改善居家」的开场。Thus begins a home-improvement TV program.

木偶戏就在这阵高昂的调子里开场了。On this high note the puppet show commences.

校内歌唱比赛—乐冠满型VI开场短片。Intra-school Singing Contest VI Opening Video.

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演出开场前两小时你到场,where you show up about 2 hours before the show,

注意那个为格莱美进行开场表演的女人。Pay attention to that woman opening the Grammys.

开场27分钟,队长冯斯首开纪录。Captain Funes opened the scoring after 27 minutes.

这个队未能充分利用开场时领前的优势。The team failed to capitalize on their early lead.

河床在开场五分钟就取得领先。River had gone 1-0 up within the first five minutes.

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音乐会以一曲独奏开场,以合奏结束。The concert begins with a solo and ends with a chorus.

开场且赢这10场配对,但至少需6位玩家同场。Host and win 10 matches with at least 6 players present.

亲爱的水瓶,这一切在这个月你都有个开场,所以好好哄骗。You have anice portal opening, dear Aquarius, so use it.

美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨在与中国国防部长梁光烈联合记者招待会上的开场讲话with Chinese Minister of National Defense Liang Guanglie

电影以超人寻找氪星人失败开场。The movie begins with Superman’s failed search for Krypton.

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开场实验评定大鼠的行为。Open-field test was applied to evaluate behavior of the rats.

带着这么多恩恩怨怨,两边队员开场都很谨慎。With so much at stake both sets of players made nervy starts.

这是柴可夫斯基第四号交响曲第一乐章的开场…Opening section in 1st movement of Tchaikovsky's 4th symphony.