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我可以给你传话。You can leave a message now.

速食速食传话或威胁?。Instant Menaces or Instant Messengers?

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不在,她出去了,要我传话吗?Nope,she is out, can I take a message?

我来是为国王传话的!I have come tospeak the words for the King!

这样就可以向远程传话隐藏文件系统的其他部分。This hides the rest of the file system from remote sessions.

并且传话希望听到杨广吹奏一首萧曲。And take a message hoping to hear YangGuang play a xiao song.

在古代,政治力量是神赐的,而声称为神传话的先知因为有大批追随者,所以极具影响力。Prophets who could claim to speak for a god with a large following thus had influence.

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当某人给钱,让他传话。Patrons pay him and give him drinks to go up and repeat their words to other people in the bar.

这时候他的弟弟,同时也是一名警官,在门多萨和警方之间做传话人。At that point his brother, also a police officer, was acting as a go-between for the authorities.

摩西是琼斯先生的特别宠物,是一个间谍和传话者,但也确实是一个聪明的发言人。Moses, who was Mr Jones’s especial pet, was a spy and a tale-bearer, but he was also a clever talker.

一千天使中,若有一个作传话的与神同在,指示人所当行的事。If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness

后来发生了什么我不清楚,但我很肯定那个国王知道是我在传话。Idon’t know what happened, but I’m pretty sure that the King knew that it was mewho told the messengers that.

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传话的人出门以后,孔子取出瑟来边弹边唱,故意使孺悲听到。As soon as the go-between went out of the door, he took his zither and song to it so that the former might hear him.

昨天他收素玖玖身边丫鬟小四的传话后心情便一直这么高兴,见玖玖一面一直是他心中梦想的。Yesterday he received hormone for side by being a mood has been so happy to see one side, for he has been your dream.

兰登的新搭档——凯瑟琳-所罗门博士也只是埃及文化同这个犹太学者之间的传话员。Doctor Katherine Solomon, Langdon`s new partner, only functions to connect words from Egyptian culture and Jewish scholars.

人们通过传单和口头传话组织示威游行,他们使用拨号调制解调器和传真机与世界联络。People organized marches through flyers and word of mouth and used dial-up modems and fax machines to communicate with the world.

身份不名的绑架者在案发后释放了一名司机,传话说他们希望从石油收入中得到更多的利益份额。The unidentified kidnappers later released one of the local drivers with a note saying they wanted a share in the region's oil wealth.

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一切准备就绪后,奥兹向他的人民传话说,他要去拜访一位住在云端的大师兄。When it was all ready, Oz sent word to his people that he was going to make a visit to a great brother Wizard who lived in the clouds.

在竞选期间,伊万卡担当着为父亲传话的更为优雅的特使角色,现在她承受着将工作机会带回美国的压力。Ms. Trump served as a more polished emissary of her father's messages during the campaign, and she is under pressure to bring jobs home.

悲哀在你的门上敲著,她传话说你的主醒著呢,他叫你在夜的黑暗中奔赴爱的约会.。Misery knocks at thy door, and her message is that thy lord is wakeful, and he calls thee to the love-tryst through the darkness of night.