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查阅Facebook。Checking Facebook.

你应该查阅一下报纸。You should see in the paper.

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在线仿真器。查阅仿真器。In-Circuit Emulator. See emulator.

当你看到一个新字时就去查阅它。When you see a new word, look it up.

查阅今日的货币兑换率Check today's currency exchange rates

我将在百科全书中查阅它。I'll look it up in the encyclopaedia.

这个你甚至是不需要去查阅的。And you don't even have to look it up.

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教授让我们查阅这本书。The professor reffered us to the book.

校长咧开嘴笑着说,“你需要查阅一下冥想方面的书。You need to consult a meditation book.

她正在埋头查阅记录。She is grubbing about among the records.

我们得仔细查阅旧档案。We'll have to dig through the old files.

可登录zune.com和sansa.com网站查阅相关信息。Information is at and

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是的,我知道,我在一本书里专门查阅过。Yes, I know. I'd studied it up in a book.

我们将很快回来查阅此处的信息。We will be referring back to this shortly.

何处可查阅世卫组织的工作机会?Where can I find job opportunities at WHO?

你还要去图书馆查阅成堆的资料吗?Do you still go into libraries with stacks?

查阅供应商的存储支持矩阵。Review the vendor's storage support matrix.

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星号指引读者去查阅脚注。The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.

陈总,这是截止上周的资金使用情况表,请查阅!Mr Chen, Please check up this cash flow report.

我的同学可以查阅我的成积吗?Will other classmates be able to see my grades?