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有一种看法认为种间杂种是罕见的,这种看法是无根据的。The notion that interspecific hybrids are rare is ill-founded.

对亚种间杂种物质运转率低的原因进行了讨论。Reasons for the low translocation of the assimilate to grains of ISHR were discussed.

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德国的房屋业已粉刷,间杂着其他粉饰的举动。Houses in Germany have been whitewashed, and there has been other whitewashing as well.

但在流传过程中也间杂有一些战国史料。But there also have some Warring States Period documents in the spreading process sometimes.

杆锈变种间杂交的一些杂种和后代在其亲本寄主上受到测量。The hybrids and progeny of intervarietal crosses of P. graminis were tested on the parental hosts.

本文研究了油菜种间杂种后代株高与产量性状间的关系。The relationship between plant height and yield components of rape interspecific hybrids was studied.

种间杂种内这些线粒体变成含有两个种属蛋白质分子的镶嵌物。That mitochondria in interspecific hybrids become molecular mosaics containing proteins of both species.

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用子房培养和胚培养相结合的方法,获得了芥蓝×诸葛菜属间杂种。Tetrageneric hybrids involving Triticum, Agropyron, Haynaldia and Secale were produced by using embryo culture.

的体细胞后,经过组织培养,获得了甜菜-甘蓝目间杂种植物。We have obtained some leaf beet-cabbage interordinal hybrids from the transferred cells by aid of tissue culture.

常规有性杂交很难获得油菜与芸芥的属间杂种。It is difficult to obtain the intergeneric hybrid between Brassica napus and Eruca sativa through the routine crossing.

在沉积盆地中,碳氢化合物很常见,而在间杂的火成岩与变质岩中则找不到。Hydrocarbons commonly occur in sedimentary basins and are absent from intervening areas of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

本文对诸葛菜和芸苔属属间杂交的花粉粒萌发和花粉管生长情况进行了研究。Pollen grain germination and pollen tube growth were investigated in intergeneric crosses between Brassica species and O.

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该文研究了花粉蒙导、植物激素和胚培养对梅花种间杂交的作用。The effects of pollen mentor, growth regulator and embryo culture on interspecific hybridization of Prunus mume are studied.

蕾期授粉是克服属间杂交不亲和性的有效方法。Bud pollination was regarded as one of the effective method to overcome the intergeneric cross incompatibility in this paper.

在不列颠维管植物区系的2500个本地的和归化的有性种中,约有700个种间杂种。There are about 700 interspecific hybrids among the british vascular plant flora of about 2500 native and alien sexual species.

其格律有七言四句体、长短句间杂的四句体、五句体、六句体,一般都押韵,大多押平声韵,衬字、衬词运用普遍。As their meters, there are form of four sentences of seven words, form of the mixture of four, five or six long and short sentences.

叶片沙沙声悄然响在耳畔,间杂着一只两只小动物蹦跳着奔跑的而过的脚步声。The blade froufrou is noiselessly rung ear side, is miscellaneous a 2 little animals bound to bound to rush of but lead of step voice.

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往下,间杂着一些自然的遗迹。也有一些城市的废墟。随着岁月流失,那些曾经的繁华已经尘归尘土归土。Below these were other caverns, some natural, others the remnants of a lost city, overblown by dust that became soil as the ages passed.

细胞学研究发现,杂种胚阶段胚或胚珠的败育是冷杉种间杂交不成功的主要原因。Cytological studies show that the incompatibility of interspecific hybridization of Abies is mainly due to the abort of embryos or ovules.

以小麦与多枝赖草属间杂种为试材,通过花药培养,获得纯合后代。By using the intergeneric hybrids of wheat and leyrnus multicaulis as testing material, and through anther culture, pure progeny was obtained.