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他们是封建统治者的臣民。They were subjects of a feudal ruler.

封建思想在她头脑中根深蒂固。Feudal ideas were stamped on her mind.

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所以“雪夜闭门读禁书”成为封建时代一大乐事。So" on door read banned" became a feudal era.

我不会流血自己干,在这个新的封建时代。I wont bleed myself dry in this new feudal age.

他是一个典型的封建时代的忠君爱国人物。He is a typical loyalist patriot of feudal times.

轻视妇女是封建思想的一部分。Looking down on women is part of feudal ideology.

他的戏剧创作充溢着反封建意识。His guiding ideology is anti-feudal consciousness.

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农奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建农奴制度。The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.

国家由一小撮封建集团统治着。The state is ruled by a handful of feudal satraps.

商办采木实质上是一种加于商人的封建徭役。In fact, it was a kind of obligation of businessman.

封建式的割据局面在中国大地上也一去不复返了。Of the country has gone forever on this land of China.

在西方,城市成为市民阶层反封建的堡垒。In West, city was a fort for citizen against feudalism.

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它可能是封建领主燕伯治所。It probably was the seat of a feudal lord, the Count of Yan.

'宅'。''邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地。Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord.

封建一夫一妻制在农民家庭得到实现。The feudalistic monogamy is realized in the farmer's family.

在封建等级底层的是农奴。At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs.

但是如果少一些封建式的管理,该公司将更加繁荣。But the company would be better off with less feudal management.

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但现如今,封建首领列克·杜加季纳的法律再一次死灰复燃了。Now, the laws of the feudal leader Lek Dugajine hold sway again.

在他的领地上享有王权的封建领主。Medieval the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers '.

这个多党民主将是反帝反封建的。This multiparty democracy will be anti-imperialist and anti-feudal.